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It has been about two months since the death of President Jane Sparrow Greyson, and the world is trying to recover. The child was only 19, and she did amazing things for everyone. The Justice League and Young Justice have been determined to keep her memory alive, and to make sure nobody disrespected her grave, they have guards stationed at the now national monument.

The League of Assassins is on a mission, to recover someone. They take out the guards, then approach there destination. The final resting place of Jane Sparrow Greyson-Wayne.
"Ukážte rešpekt a kľačte. Možno sme vrahovia, ale máme česť. Chystáme sa prerušiť toto posvätné miesto, takže si vezmite čas na ukážku vášho rešpektu!"
(Show respect, and kneel. We may be assassins, but we have honor. We are about to disrupt this sacred place, so take the time to show your respect!)

The Assassins quickly follow their leader, for they know she is right. Jane Greyson is about to change, so they will honor her last memory.

"Ok, now hurry. We must leave no trace behind, get to work." The Assassins make haste at getting to their target. The coffin with their Heiress inside, they didn't revive the Deamon, but they will revive the Angel.

The Assassins get their package then quickly cover up their tracks, nobody shall know of our presence.

"She will be reborn, and she will be one of us." Thalia states, the Assassins nod, then head home. Jane sparrow Greyson is about to be reborn, but she will not be the same.

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