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Ok, so well, when we met by the main doors to the manor, I took time to see what the others are wearing. Barbra is in a light blue dress, and the songbird necklace that was Jane's. Heather is in a sapphire blue dress with a black sash, Alfred said she is in one of Jane's old dresses. We get into the car to go, when I get this feeling, a feeling like something is gonna happen. But I just shake it off, today I don't want to think about fighting.
We arrive at the party, and I spot my friends from when I was on the team, so I join them. Artemis is wearing Jane's bracelet, and a pretty black dress. Zatana is in a blue dress, with my family's only heirloom, the locket. It still has the picture of my family in it, but Zatana wants it that way. Then the others are looking sad but happy.
"So, you heading to the manor after the party with us?" They nod then I nod back. We are gonna go through some photos and videos with Jane in them, so we can just remember the good time we had with her. The party starts, and then it's time to honor Jane.


Ok, so I got into the Manor easily, the strange thing is, once I was in it. I felt like I knew this place, since the target isn't gonna be home for a few hours, I decided to explore. I walk around, and find myself in the dinning room. On the walls are pictures and paintings, but I decide to look at the pictures. They are all nice, they show a big family with one parent. But what gets me, are the pictures that show a family of three. I look at the pictures with those people in them, and I know those people. I don't know how, but I have a gut feeling that they are of my real family. The one picture that gets my attention, it's of a girl, around her late teens. She has waist length Raven hair, she is in a 3/4 length sleeved sapphire blue shirt, jeans, and knee length boots. Around her neck is the songbird necklace I saw in another flash, and on her wrist is the same bracelet. I look at the girls eyes, they are a startling shade of Sapphire blue, but what gets my attention, is that this girl looks exactly like me. I look at all the other pictures with this girl, and find I get a brief flash for each one, what's going on?!?
I let my feet take me somewhere other than where I was, and I find myself in a bedroom. However, I got the same exact feeling, like I know this room. I look around, and find a picture on the nightstand, it's covered in a layer of dust, like the whole room, so I dust the frame a bit. I see a family, behind them is a circus, the Hayles traveling Circus, and I know those people. But, how do I know the name of the circus? How do I know these people? I gasp, and drop the frame as I get a strong flash.

"Mommy, why dose Dickie get to preform the trapeze and I don't?"
"Because Dear, He is older."
"I want to do it to! Dickie got to when he was my age, so now it's my turn to do it!"
"Fine, when we go to Gotham, you get to preform with us. But only if you practice your English, you need to be able to hide your accent." The child eagerly nods her head then runs off.
I'm brought out of the flash, and I'm shaking. What's happening to me? I get up, and then continue to look around the room.
On the desk is paperwork, and then more pictures. I look on the wall by the desk and then see a picture of superheroes, they look like the team of sidekicks. I go into another flash:
"Because of recent events, we believe a team training experience will be the best thing for all of you." We nod then lay down, next thing I know, I'm blinking sunlight.
"Where are we?" I look around, and then I know where we are.
"We are in the cave, but this is less used hallways. I like to hide here, or scare people from here." We go to the area we just where at, and find the League waiting for us.
"Hostile targets have breached earths atmosphere, they have killed our welcome party of lanterns. We need you to wait here, in case we don't make it back." We nod and they go, I watch my adopted dad die! But I didn't feel sad, why don't I feel sad?
"What do we do now?"
"I'm gonna go ninja and see what I can find out about this enemy."
"Be careful Jane, but let me establish physic link beforehand." I nod then mid M linked us all up, I head to the Zetatube and Zeta to Hall of Justice. I exit the building and put my assassin thing up, don't want everyone figuring out who I am.
I find military people guarding the building. I spy on them, everything goes fine, till the enemy arrives. They fly these ships and stuff, they start to fire on the building. I run inside, I'm praying I can make it to the Zetatubes, but I'm thrown backwards from an explosion.
"Megan, Robin, someone help!"
"Jane, what's wrong?"
"I found the enemy, I got stuck in the crossfire, I don't think I can make it out!"
"Where are you?"
"Hall of Justice, but things are collapsing, please hurry!" Suddenly a piece of the roof falls then hits me, I get crushed by it, then I died.
I come out of the flash, panting. That was not just a flash, that was a memory. Ugg, what's going on with me?!?!? I quickly leave the room, and let my feet direct me to another. When I open the door, I find I found the gym. I scan the room, but then my eyes land on a trapeze. Something stirred inside of me, I felt drawn to the equipment. So, I did what any person would do, I went up and on the trapeze. I looked down and saw no net, but I felt like that was how it was supposed to be. Weird. Anywhoo, I did something that felt natural for me, I jumped.

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