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You stomped into you and your wife's house with your daughter behind. She closed the door ever so softly.

You took of your coat and hung it up.


Your wife came running down stairs in sweatpants and a t-shirt.


You pointed behind you. Tzuyu looked behind you to see your daughter head hanging low.

Tzuyu:what's the problem?

You tried to speak softly but struggled a bit because you really were urging to just beat her until her behind was black and blue.

You:sh-she, get before I do because I'm a hurt her feelings.

She leaned against the wall.

Tzuyu:calm down, just tell me what happened.

You:so remember a couple of minutes ago I got a call from the police station saying somebody I knew called for me?


She said glaring at her daughter.

You:it was for that one right there. This little girl was caught vandalising her school, stole from a convenient store, and vandalized a police car that's why they took her in.

You already had your belt in your hand ready to whip her behind.


Tzuyu couldn't believe her own daughter would do such things when both her mother's taught her wrong from right. This had to be the second time and Tzuyu thought she would have learned by now but she guesses not.

Tzuyu sighed.

Tzuyu:do what you gotta do Y/N.

She shrugged knowing that nothing was going to stop you anyway.

(Couldn't think of a name so I just stuck with Y/N)

You:my pleasure. March yo self up stairs into your room. An be ready cause I'm not going easy. You really thought that I was playing when you stop the first time, I told you if it ever happened again I was gon whoop yo a** black and blue so go upstairs and get ready.

She was slow walking so you popped the belt.


It made her run to her room.

(Two hours after beating and a lecture from Tzuyu)

You daughter was in her room making three apology letters, one for her principal, one for the cop, and one for the convenient store owner.

And you told her when she was done to come eat and you and your wife would watch her while she does her homework that she hadn't been turning in either.

She came downstairs in pajamas with four pieces of paper one being her homework and the other apologies.

Tzuyu:sit down so we can start.

From that day on she understood right from wrong and got herself together.

Became a doctor, saved lives, got married, had kids, a yeah byebye.

This literally sucked but it was worth it because my mom did not play games when it came to school, she didn't beat my unless it was necessary but other than that my mom is scary when mad.

You think she isn't but you haven't met her.


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