Patrick Minor- If only you knew p2

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You sat opposite Patrick staring at each other, admiring each other's features for what felt like forever, when ...
Back to present
You had been staring at each other for a good 5 minutes when you felt yourself start to lean in, Patrick following until your lips met. You then kissed him, and he kissed back, it nearly ending up in a makout session, but the boys stopped you by wolf whistling. They all started cheering and shouting congratulations. You then,after being distracted, all decided to think of something to do for the night.
Mikey - So now that we have a happy couple, what shall we do tonight, 1 by 1 let's suggest something.
Jake- Let's go somewhere haunted.
Tyler- I'm up for something haunted.
Patrick- Why not an abandoned place. I know a few around here.
Justin-I'd say somewhere abandoned.
DK- Somewhere haunted.
Y/N- I'd prefer to do abandoned.
After everyone suggesting ideas, it was decided that we where going to go somewhere haunted. I was petrified of haunted things, but I didn't want to back out, so I decided to go. Me and Patrick went in his car whilst everyone else went in Justin's car.
Patrick was driving and I was staring out the window, when I felt a hand on my thigh.
Patrick- You okay Y/N?
Y/N- Erm I guess.
Patrick- I know your not. I can tell when your not feeling okay. What's up ?
Y/N- I don't like haunted things, but I didn't want to back out.
Patrick- Oh ok that's understandable. If you get scared you have me. I'll be there to protect you baby.
Y/N- Thank you baby.
You then carried on the drive, knowing you had your boyfriend by your side.
You had arrived at the most haunted, abandoned house that Mikey could find. You got out of the car and instantly ran up and grabbed Patrick's hand. The boys arrived shortly after and you all went in. Once you looked around the building, you all came to a stop.
Patrick- You okay baby?
Y/N- Yeah I'm just cold.
He gave you his hoodie, and pulled you into a hug, and then placed a kiss on your lips. You kissed back.
Tyler- Don't start making out here. I'm to young to see this.
Y/N- Tyler out of all the places to make out, it definitely wouldn't be here.
Justin-Awhh Y/N, Patrick, you're the cutest couple.
You and Patrick both said thank you at the same time and started laughing.
You then heard Mikey.
Mikey- Who wants to do a Ouija board ?
Jake and Justin- Fuck Yeah
Patrick, Y/N- No fucking way
Tyler, DK- No not really
The 3 boys where doing the Ouija board when I heard something. I turned around and saw something floating through the hallway. The noise didn't stop. I then went dizzy, and started shaking. I then felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew what was happening. I was having a panic attack. I started crying when Patrick turned to look at me. He instantly knew what was happening and how to help.
Mikey- Patrick what's wrong with Y/N ?
Patrick- She's having a panic attack. Does anyone have a bottle of water ?
Mikey- Here bro
Patrick- Thanks. Right baby look at me. Breathe in and out. Copy me.
He demonstrated whilst you copied
Patrick- Think of a happy place and time.
I did that and then felt myself calming down. I then took sips of water.
Patrick- You ok beautiful?
Y/N- Yeah I'm better now thank you.
Jake-How come we didn't know that you have panic attacks.
Y/N- I guess because they have only really gotten bad recently. I was gonna tell you.
Mikey-Jake don't push it. As long as she's ok that's all that matters.
Jake- I Guess Mikey.
Y/N- Thanks Mikey.
Me and Patrick then stood still hugging each other for 5 minutes. I didn't want to let go of him. I was so greatful to have him.
Patrick- I love you Y/N.
Y/N- I love you too.
Justin- Shall we leave? It's been a long night.
DK- Yeah let's leave.
Patrick- Does everyone want to stay at mine tonight as it's closest, and it's getting late?
Everyone said yes and we all went back to Patrick's. Me and Patrick went in his car again. Whilst the others went in Justin's.
Patrick- I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I should of took you back home when you said you didn't want to be there.
Y/N- Patrick it's not your fault. I could of said to you take me home and I didn't, so it's my fault.
I then kissed him on the cheek, trying not to distract him as he was driving.
Before I knew it we where back at his. He unlocked the door and we went in. Everyone piled on the couch leaving me no space to sit.
Patrick- Sit on my lap baby girl.
Y/N- Okay.
Tyler-So have you guys thought about how your going to see each other when she goes back to new jersey. Your going to be nearly 3000 miles away from each other.
Y/N- I haven't thought about it but I guess we will find away to sort something. I just wish I could have all of you guys, the rest of my friends, and the rest of my family all in one place.
Patrick- I know we've only just started dating, but we've been best friends for ages. How about you move in with me ?
Y/N- Patrick I'd love to, but I have an idea.
Patrick-Ok go ahead.
Y/N- So why don't we all buy a shared apartment in San Diego. Me, You, Mikey, Jake, Justin, and DK. Tyler has school so he could move in when he finished, and Ademir could join us when he finishes work.
Patrick- I would love that. All my friends, and my gorgeous girlfriend in one place.
Mikey- I'd happily move in.
Jake- I'd love to move in.
Justin- I'm down.
DK- That's a good idea. YN you're not as stupid as you look.
DK said that laughing so I knew he was joking, but I still wanted revenge. I got up and chased him round the room, cushion in hand, ready to hit him. Everyone was laughing. In the end I got worn out and went and sat back down with Patrick. We where talking about the apartment and how we where going to go shopping for apartments tomorow. I cuddled up to Patrick and laid my head on my shoulder. God I was so greatful for these boys. I was just thinking about how my life had changed since I met them and I got teary.  I started sniffling and Patrick looked at me.
Patrick- You ok Y/N. Why are you crying?
Y/N- I guess I was just thinking about how my life has changed since I started YouTube and met all you boys. My life has changed for the better. I'm honestly so greatful for you boys. I love you all so much.
All the boys then said we love you and how thankful they where at the same time. I laid my head back down on Patrick's shoulder. I felt my eyes closing and decided to not try opening them. I then fell asleep.
The next morning
I woke up to the sound of cameras. The boys were taking pictures of me and Patrick. I decided to let them as it was still early, and went back to sleep.
6 months later
Me, Mikey, DK, Jake, Justin and Patrick all moved into a mansion together. It had the regular rooms, a swimming pool, games room, cinema room, Jacuzzi, Sauna, and 10 bedrooms, 3 of which where spare for anyone who wanted to crash for the night. Every bedroom had an ensuite. We where waiting for Tyler and Ademir to arrive. We where all happy in San Diego. I couldn't have been more thankful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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