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I should be shot down I'm sorry for taking so long pls forgive me *bow* here is the new chapter next one will be later today. Enjoy loves~

Ayato prowled the mansion, a dark scowl on his face. He thinks back to what happened only a few minutes before.

<< Subaru left angry. He felt a creep of guilt creep in his heart but shoved it deep inside. It was too late now. No need to dwell on what could have been.

"That was uncalled for, Ayato. How could you say that to him?" Hinata glared at him. Ayato fought the urge to shrink under his cold gaze. Crossing his arms over his chest he tried to play it off.

"I know your new around here, so you don't how things work around here. You might be our soulmate but you don't know shit about us. So don't get involved and don't expect me to become your little lap dog like Kanato here." He says gesturing to his brother. He got a glare in return. He scoffs, his triplet might try to look intimidating but he'd known him since birth, he wasn't afraid.

"Look, I know I don't know about whatever the hell is going on between you two, but I do know you were out of line. You can't just say things like that. He's your brother!"

"Half." He shot. Even though if he knew it was a lame excuse, he couldn't help his hurt pride. He had to say something to defend himself.

"That doesn't matter! He's clearly hurt and you don't seem to care at all. Tell me, Ayato did you really mean what you said?" Hinata held a hopeful tone in his voice. It sprang out a little hope in Ayato as well. 'Never show weakness. Your a vampire, act like it.' A voice whispers to him. He hangs onto it, more familiar than this kindness shown by Hinata.

"Of course I did. Do you really think I'm anything like you, human? Please, the only person I give a shit about is myself. It doesn't matter to me if Subaru has a hissy fit cuz of something that happened in the past. He needs to grow the fuck up." Ayato bit out. Hinata stares at for a long moment. Kanato is stalk still beside, drawn back to memories of old. Of iron gates and the taste of blood in his mouth.

"Your unbelievable. How can you even look at yourself, your personality is so ugly. I can't look at you." Hinata wears a disgusted look. Turning, he takes Kanato's hand, startling him back into present. Without a word he follows him out, not sparing a glance back at Ayato. The vampire glared at the two, their backs to him, their hands interlaced together. Envy burned in his heart, trampling on his feelings of guilt. He growled, taking the fist thing he saw- a china plate- and threw it at the wall. It shattered, pieces of it fell on the kitchen floor. He scowls, turning on his heel and heading upstairs.


'Stupid human, thinks I'll fall in line like Kanato.' He was angry and usually when he was angry he was thirsty as well. Smirking, he made his way to go to Yui's room. He opened the door to the sight of Yui struggling the slip her nightgown on with one hand.

"Hey Hinata is that you? Would you mind helping me?" She calls out. Chuckling, he came up behind her, getting the nightgown through her arm in the cast. The whole time Yui was staring at the wooden floorboards, warmth creeping up her neck to redden her cheeks.

"Now don't you think you should return the favor, Chichinashi?" Yui whipped and gasped when she saw who it was.


How was that? Too short? Get ready for savage Yui and a very intrigued Ayato. Maybe some Subaru x Hinata moments? And does anyone have an idea on what Yui & Hinata are planning to do? Why are they keeping it a secret?

sorry I love being dramatic I promise another chapter later today~ Until later loves.

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