How many vampires does it take to screw a ***

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"I hear my sons' have found their soulmate." Cordelia handed a file to a man.

"A young boy, what a shocker." He busily sifted through papers.


"That boys too much like you to let one's gender bar him from a good fuck." 

"You know the others don't mean anything, my heart belongs to you."
Her green eyes darkened with possessiveness. The man rolled his eyes. Clearly a conversation they had on many occasions.

"Your chest is as empty as this coffee cup, go refill it." He gestured to it.

"Nice one. Now spill, who is he?" She crosses her arms.


"Don't play games with me, I'm just as invested in this game as you are. I don't like unknowns, Tougo." She put more power into her words, weaving her demonic power into it. Tougo shot her an amused look.

"He's an interesting one that one. A mutated pawn is much more exhilarating than the same predictable pieces so for, don't you think?" 

"You know I hate it when you speak in riddles like this. If you won't tell me who he is, I'll find out myself." She spun sharply on her heels.

"I'm sure you'll find it as amusing as I did. And don't slam the door, this is a workplace." The door made a soft click. Tougo chuckled.

The show is coming to climax. His whole body tingled with excitement.


"Laito you selfish man whore!" Kanato pulled him off the bed. The crimson haired vampire hit the floor with a thud. Shu, Reiji, Ayato and Subaru all had the same thought. 'Hope he fell on that pin he calls a dick. '

Hinata groaned. He rubbed his eyes awake to witness his soulmates all glaring at him. Yui and Ayato peered in from the doorway.

"No,no,no,no. Yours truly didn't give you permission to touch what's mine." Ayato growled. Laito jumped to his feet. He stood proudly with nothing but his birthday suit. Yui blushed tomato red and tried to look everywhere but down.

"Last time I checked, Hina is our soulmate not just yours. Also, stop calling yourself yours truly, Subaru was right it does make your sound cringy."

"Fuck you, Laito." Subaru snapped. Reiji lifted his glasses, the light hit it and a dark energy surrounded him.

"Come outside, Laito. I'd like to have a discussion with you." A whip appears in his hand.

"I'm a masochist not insane." Laito bit back.

"Laito...did you and Hina really...." Yui struggled to get the words out, her whole face turning a burning red.

"We fucked. It was hot and sweaty. Deal with it." It was too stimulating for Yui, the poor girl fainted. Fortunately, Ayato caught her. Everyone was shocked. 'why did I just do that?' Questioning his own actions. Everyone stared at him. He dropped her onto a chair near the doorway. They kept staring. Ayato squirmed under their gaze.


"...anyway, when were you going to tell us about this?" Kanato said with a hurt expression. Hinata opened his mouth to explain.

"And why'd you choose Laito of all people? He's got stds known and unknown." Subaru said.

"In case you missed vampire 101, vampires can't get stds." Laito shot back.

"Lucky for you we don't."

"Okay, let's just all calm down. I wasn't picking or choosing. You're all my soulmates and I feel an attraction to all of you. I really wanted to build our relationship before we moved on to more intimate stuff." Hinata explained.

"Are you saying you have a better relationship with Laito than with the rest of us?" Shu asked.

"No,no,no. I wasn't exactly in the clearest mindset and Laito was hard to resist." Hinata said. Laito crawled back into bed with him and snuggled close to Hinata. 

"Hear that? I'm irresistible to him." Laito smirked." He felt a pinch on his wait and yelped.

"Behave." Hinata drawled. Kanato crawled on to the bed.

"I can be irresistable." Kanato said. His big purple eyes stared up at Hinata. He looked so eager like a little puppy. Hinata felt an urge to pet him and he did. He also took the liberty to poke his soft cheeks.

"Believe me you are. My sweet Kanato, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel I didn't care for you. Because I do. And I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel all my love. That goes for all of you so please don't fight." Hinata smiles gently. Kanato's heart sputtered and picked up.

must possess '

His normally light eyes darkened with desire and possessiveness. He wasn't alone either. The air cracked with the possessive energy that exuded from all the vampires in the room. Hinata's mouth went dry. There he sat, a human boy with six needy vampires and an unconscious human girl. Now that what the hell am I going to do?

A loud bang broke the silence.

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