chapter 4 day of sadness

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Far warning dark them ahead. 

Disclaimer: i don't any content of my hero Acidamia. all right reserved for creators. 

***time skip 3 days***

I wake up in a hospital room that i was put into last night for miner injures like cuts and scraps. The main reason is the concussion i had gotten.  The reason why was because my dad was at the house when i went to get what remained of my privet stuff. At first i didn't know why he was there. All i knew was that he looked mad for some reason. Times like this i knew to stay out of his way if he got mad. How ever he seen me and. you could probably guess the rest. 

I look to my left side to see my mom sleeping in a chair. When she got to see me she instantly started to say how she was going to leave my dad. However that never last long anyway. This time thou seems different. This it the first time he put me in the hospital so i guess she might mean it this time, i hop. 

When i told Izuku i could tell he was angry by the way he sounded on the phone. He told me he will arrive first thing in the morning when they aloud visitors. I could tell he wanted to come that second.  I wanted him to come as well but his dad told him to wait.  I am hoping he will get here soon. By the looks of the clock on the wall the hospital started letting people visit 1 hour ago. 

There is a knock on my door. Looking towards it i see a doctor with a head of a blue bird. He then says. "Miss Jirou you have a visitor hear to see you. Would you like them to come in?" I only nod my head to his question. The doctor opens the door and steps aside to let the visitor in. and to my correct guess it's Izuku. The doctor leaves and closes the door behind him. 

"Kyoka are you doing any better? Are you gonna need to stay here awhile?" He ask in a very worried tone. I can feel a tear start to go down my cheek. He sees this and comes to and wraps me in a loving hug. I immediately start to cry in to his shoulder. "It's OK Kyoka. I am hear, let it all out." he says wail rubbing my back. After 30 minuets of crying and my mom waking up and leaving to take care of something she did not get into Izuku said "Tell me what happened last night Kyoka, please."

Hugging him closer to me to calm my self down I began. "As you know i went back to my house to get my 'lady things' and when i got there my dad was at the door and he did not look happy to see me. I said hi to him and told him i was gonna get some of my things and i would be on my way. He didn't answer, he only stepped aside and let me in." If i knew what he was gonna do i would have turned around and walked back to Izuku's house. 

"I got up to my room and grabbed my items and turned around to head back out. There he was standing by the door looking at me with hate. He then started to walk towards me. When he did that i started to walk back util i hit my bed. He then... he then." I could not even finish when remembering what happened next made me brake down and cry harder into Izuku's shoulder then i already was. His response is to hold me tighter and rock back and forth. we keep this up for 20 or so minuets. 

After I regained my composer i continued "He then garbed me by my hair and started to hit me. I have no idea why he was doing this, what provoked him, or why he was taking it out on me. All I know was i started to scream and cry for him to stop. This only made him more mad. He started to pull me to the door of my room. We got to the living room where he throw me against the main door and started to bet my head into it. This is where i blacked out." I stop again to hug Izuku as tight as i could to make my self clam and to cry into his solder a little more as well 

"Do you remember anything after you woke up? Like did he do anything that he shouldn't have?" Izuku asked with worry in his voice and what also sounded like hate. I take a minute to answer. "No he did not rape me if that's what your referring to Izuku." He breaths a out a heavy sigh as he hold me and rubs the back of my head. 

"... and to answer your other question yes i remember walking up in this hospital room when my mom came barging in yelling and screaming something about how she was gonna hang my dad by his intestine when she got her hands on him. When the doctor noticed i was awake he quickly took some test to see if there was any damage to me. Thankfully it was just a small concussion and small scratches and scraps. After all of that i called you and you know the rest of it" 

After explaining all of that Izuku just hugged me with all the love he could muster and said "I am so sorry Kyoka I should have went with you. I could have stopped him from doing this to you. We could have been at my house doing stuff, but instead you are in here in pain all because i didn't go with you." I hear him start to cry as well. I brake the hug after a couple of minutes and look at him. 

"Now listen here Izuku MIdoriya, I will not let you blame your self for what my so called dad did. Nether of us had any idea this was gonna happen. So please don't blame your self because i am hurt. I know you probably would have beat the living hell out of my dad for what he did. But from what my mom told me he is facing a looong time in prison for what he did so he is getting what is coming to him." I said wit tiers in my eyes not believing he blamed him self for me getting hurt. 

His eyes look like he has some guilt still in them so i pull him in to a deep passionate kiss. We kiss for a couple of minutes until i hear the door up and some one say (You have no idea who this will be) "Guess who came to say.. oh my girls looks like we are interrupting something important.  hehehe." both Izuku and I immediately remember that voice. We look at the door to see three people we never thought we see for awhile. It was our three oldest friends even before  Katsuki. "Mina, Toru, Tsuyu, What are you three doing here? I thought you girls weren't gonna show up this year." I said with a big smile on my face. 

they all smiled and Mina said "Well we wanted to  surprise you at your place but there where a tone of cop's and hero's there and Izuku's dad told us that you where here and we could come to visit if we wanted. What we did not expect was that the two of you would be making out like no tomorrow, what's up with that. Last time i checked you did not like anyone Kyoka. so what happened?" she said and asked with a growing smile at the blush on mine and Izuku faces. 

"Well the last time you checked was three years ago when i didn't think about boys. When i did start It was Izuku who got my hart. To answer a question before it is asked. Izuku and i got together almost a week ago so don't ask." I say in a low tone of voice. 

All three of the girls just awwed at this and Tsuyu spoke up "I could of told you that the two of you would end up together. I also want to know how it went down." both Mina and Toru nod there heads in agreement. "Ya tell us how you two got all kissey kissey on us." Toru spook with what i assume could be a smile on her face if i could see it.

I smile at this and look at Izuku as he looks at me giving me a look of happiness. I think he like me talking about are relationship better then talking about what my dad did. I don't blame him.  "OK, it started a little over a year ago......"

I spent the next hour and half in explaining how me and Izuku got together. It took my mind off of my father, my pain and how tired i was. A little bit after i finished the story i lay down on my bed effectually pulling Izuku down with me and fell asleep with hops of getting out of this hospital some time soon.

OK I know its not the longest or the best chapter i had done for this but i put some work into it. I would like to apologize if this has upset anyone in anyway. I just need another bad person in this besides Kaminari. To answer a few of questions i have received from some people. Yes Kaminari will be making another apprentices in this story but not in the class of 1-A neither will  Mineta. Nothing aginset these two i just don't know how to do these two well enough yet.

see you next time.

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