change in direction

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Now its time for me to get back into the swing of things with this story and this chapter i am adding a few new couples that i have rarely seen in this fandom and i think it could possibly work i hop it works out so lets get back into this story pleas enjoy 

"Hey come on wake up time to head out of this place. Unless you like gotten used to this place." i here some one say to me. i open my eyes to see Mina and the other girls looking at me. i look around to not see anyone else in the room. "wheres Izuku? I thought he would be here when i woke up." i asked looking at Mina which she loses her smile and sits down on the bead next to me. 

"Well about 20 minuets ago Izuku's dad came in with what looked like a couple of letters and asked him to come with him. We seen him go in to the room next door. we wanted to see what was going on but Izuku's dad was standing out side and told us not to disturb them." rubbing my chin i think of something stupid and i might get in trouble for this but i maid up mind. 

"you said next door right left or right side?" i asked with a frown. "um left side why?" Tsuyu side with a look of confuses on her face and with her tongue sticking out a little. "Well i thought of something but it might get me in trouble if i get seen or herd  so bare with me." i say as i walk to the left side of the room and plug one one my jacks into the wall. "Our you sure dad? I mean i am willing to  this but me leader of a squad in a special hero class at the school." I hear Izuku say with a lot of supersize in his voice.  Thin i hear some shifting around and here is dad say in a low tone "Lets finish this conversation later with the others. Your little lady friend might be up and i don't think you should keep her waiting so lets get this stuff put up and head back to there." he says with a small laugh as i here Izuku chuckle. i can't help but laugh as I take my jack out quickly to not get caught and run back to my bed to finish putting on my stuff. I wonder what he meant by leader of a squad. Well i am positive that Izuku will tell me.

***ten minutes later***

Izuku and his dad walk back in the room and notice that i am awake. Izuku immediately runts to my side asking if i am OK to witch i  just laugh and pull him into a hug. He hesitates at first but returns the hug anyway. I here the girls go "Awww" at this, which makes me blush but i just ignore it and hug him tighter. As we are we are hugging i see the door open and see Bakugou coming in. "Well its about time you come see me Katsuki. Its not i am one of your best friends or anything." i say with a sarcastic tone as i let go of Izuku.  he smiles and says back in a equal sarcastic tone "Wow its not like i visited while you where sleeping or anything." he walks over to Toru and smiles. I can't help but smile at this. I still can't believe they still have a long distant relationship going.  

"Hay Jirou do you mind that invited someone special over here?" i here Tsuyu ask with what sounds like embarrassment in her voice. "No i don't mind. why do you ask. **gasp** Did you finally get a girlfriend?" I say in excitement in return she blushes a cooler that i thought was not possible for a person and she put her hands on her checks and nods. "Ya she will be here any minute." when she done speaking  another knock on the door and i told them to come in. To Izuku and my surprise it that Uraraka girl. 

"Umm hi. I hope i am not intruding on anything. Tsuyu told me it was okay for to come over." I smile and say  " It's no problem Ochako it's just a surprise to see you dating one of our closest friends. I mean Tsuyu is extremely picky when it comes to dating a girl. So if she chose you i defiantly know you will be a good friend. Not like we already know that right Izuku?" I asked the last part looking at Izuku with a smile he returns it with one of his own and with a nod. we hear a knock on the door again to see a doctor coming in with some papers and my mom

the next twenty minuets was spent with my mom explaining that she wants me to spend some time at Izuku's house for her to settle some stuff with the courts about my dad and to try to find a closer place to live to Izuku. to me i am happy as can be I am even more exited to go now. I see Mr. Midorya come up with some letters and hands one to me, Mina, Toru, Tsuyu, and Ochako to. it's a letter i have been waiting for the past week. We all open it to see multiple mettle things come out and some how with a magnetic pull come together to form a holographic pitcher of all might (aka Mr. Midorya) "greetings young lades. I know this might be confusing but i expected you all to be in one room when you got your letters don't ask me how i just have a feeling. So i had a friend of mine program this holographic devices to project at the same time. I would like to personally congratulate you five for getting into the hardest school for heroes. That is right you all past and here your scores to prove it!!" 

A chart pops up with all our names on it mine being on the bottom wit only 49 points. hurt at what i was seeing he said we all passed but i don't see how i did. I am missing one point so how the hell did i pass. "Now young Jirou i know you are probably wondering how you passed. Well to put it simply. The exam was more then just fighting. It was also about opportunity. There where more then just villein points there where also rescue points and accepting  points. The first being from rescuing people like you did with Izuku to help young Uraraka. So with that you got in addition to your villein points of 49 you got a rescue points of 30 putting your score to 79. But that is not all you also got accepting points for relishing you needing help when you where found yourself in a danger's positions when you where falling and with that you got another 50 points bringing your total score to 129. So welcome young heroes to your academe" He says with a big smile on his face. 

I can't help but cry so starting Monday i will be attending school with all my friends and my boyfriend i cant help but to be happy. There will be nothing that can stop us now........ right.

Well there it is another chapter done. From now on i am gonna update this not on Thursdays but on any day i feel like i can update this to make it better for me. Anyway i hope you enjoy and thanks to thous who have commented on this story. I have a small request though. I hoping someone who reads this might help me with some pitchers the will let me use for the cover for this story and Not so invisible. thanks  if someone will. I am heading off see you guys in the next story/chapter bye bye.

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