Chapter 43

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Killian's POV

I held Emma as tightly as I could that night and nothing be happened other then we cuddled all night long. We just talked and staid in each others arms all night long. She is the one person I care about alot and I dont ever want to let go.

"Good Morning love." I say and kiss Emma's head.

"Morning." Emma says smiling up at me.

"So would you like to go to the diner for breakfast or would you like me to order room service?" I ask.

"Doesnt matter. Although I dont want to move." She says.

"Room service it is then." I say.

I ordered what we wanted and Emma just laid in my arms.

"Hey I know this is what we want, but I dont want people to know about us." She says.

"Ohh.... Well I actually feel the same. We already have Graham problems and if Milah gets a hold of this she wont be happy. I dont want to lose you because of her." I say.

"Yeah.... Ummm do you think if she knew she would dig up my past?" She asks me.

"Yeah probably. Dont worry love. Your sweet and whatever she says cant hurt you." I say.

"Well there is something in my past that you dont know. I had a kid with Neal. I gave him up cause I couldnt be a mother I wasnt ready. He knows who I am and he is happy with the people who have him. I want you to know this now before Milah or Graham or someone else who hates me finds it and tells the world. Do you hate me now?" Emma asks moving away from me.

"Emma I dont hate you. So what you had a baby and wernt ready. Emma why would that make me love you any less?" I question.

"I dont know people learn about and then they dont like me anymore." She says.

"Well that wont happen with me. Emma I love you very much. So nothing like this will come between us." I say.

I pulled her back to me and kissed her head as she rested her head on my chest. To me it doesnt matter about Emma past all that matters is her kindness and her beautiful heart. To me thats all I need and all I want for my beautiful and loving Emma.

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