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Quick A/N: For long term readers I did change Kimiko's name from Samia to Lea because I didn't like how it fit. I changed it in the previous chapters as well.

I've done this before, that's why I added the part where they thought her name was June cause that was her original name.
If you think one of the other names is better or that a completely different name would better suit her let me know.

Saiki POV

A week has passed, and they've finally allowed Kimiko to go to school, on the condition I stay with her the whole time. Her powers are really unstable, especially since her glasses broke.

There is one way to cure her. But they haven't told me yet. She has to decide upon it first.

I'm really nervous about it. I can't explain what it is, but Kimiko makes everything feel better, and I don't want to lose her.

Unfortunately, she is to return to the hospital immediately after school. It's been clarified to the principal that she is not to join a club.

Right now, I'm on my way to the hospital to pick her up, when I run into Nendou and Kaido.

"We got lost on our way to school." Kaido says. " or maybe, yes! I'm sure of it! Dark Reunion must be behind this!"

" Hey Buddy! What are you doing by the hospital?" Nendou asks.

Oh right, Kimiko probably doesn't want people to know she's in the hospital.

'Now that you mention it, I don't really want people to know, thanks' I here Kimiko say from behind me.

"Kimiko! It's been forever since you've been at school!" Kaido says.

"Yeah, I guess It's been a few months hasn't it?" She says, trying not to bring up the fact that she was in the hospital.

" Why weren't you at school Female Buddy?!" Nendou asks.

" I was in a faraway place, with no contact with anyone. Anyway, can I talk to saiki alone for a minute."

The other 2 wall away grumbling.

"I've decided. I want to be with you." She says.

'You're gonna get cured?' I ask, excited to see her completely well again.'

'Well, that's the thing... You're the only one who can cure me.' She tells me telepathically.

'But I can't heal you! You're a...'

'That's why it's up to you. Either I lose my powers and keep living, or I keep my powers and soon die of sickness. I'm willing to give up my powers to be with you, but you have to be willing to heal me afterwards. Will you at least think about it?'

I already know my answer, but I don't like it very much. At least this way I won't lose the one person I look forward to at school.

We start walking to find Nendou and Kaido, when she stops and says ' Hey, Since I already know your answer cause of my powers, do you think I can let everyone else know about them? I'm gonna lose them soon anyway.'

'Whatever makes you happy' I respond.

'Good cause we'll be late in 5 minutes and it's a 10 minute walk from here.'

We finally found Nendou and Kaido and in a hurry Kimiko grabbed Nendou and Kaido with her hands, and then kissed my cheek as we teleport to in front of the school.

Now these two are idiots, so Nendou only cared about the kiss, Kaido couldn't do anything but blush, but his mind was thinking about the teleport.

'Kimiko has powers too! That just makes her even more amazing! But what was with that... she and him....'

"Hurry up we're gonna be late!" Kimiko yells as she's already switched into her school shoes and is running upstairs. I have also done the same, because I have to stay with her at all times. About half way to the classroom she has to stop and catch her breath, but soon after continued running. We mad it just as the bell rang, but Nendou and Kaido were late. As soon as Kimiko ran in, gasping for breath, everyone yelled out her name, but not long after she started coughing.

'You should sit down' I tell her and she does.

"Kimiko, you don't look so well, maybe you should go home" Kuboyasu suggests
(thanks DragonCrystalElaine )

"No I'm fine! Just getting over it! I get sick a lot so I'm not at school often don't worry about me!" Kimiko quickly responds. "I'm just gonna have to get used to school again."

When it was time for Kimiko to go back to the hospital, I walked with her.

... and the others decided they wanted to get something to eat and followed us.

"This isn't the way to the sweet shop!" Kaido, who is directionally challenged says this.

"That's cause I'm not going to the shop. I have to stay someplace else for a little while. I'll see ya guys later though!" She says, waving and running off towards the hospital.
'You shouldn't be running!' I mentally yell for her, but she doesn't listen, and starts to get tired as soon as we couldn't see the others.

I pick her up a put her on my back as we continue our way to the hospital.

She falls asleep somewhere along the way, which I'm kind of glad about since she needs her rest.

As we reach the front desk, I'm informed she will be coming to live with me for a month before she's cured, unless something dangerous happens to her within this week. She will also stay with me for a month after the treatment, so that she and Emi can adjust to life.

I place Kimiko down on her hospital bed and lie next to her, then soon fell asleep.

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