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I wake up to find a room that's not anywhere in the Saiki Household. That's when I remembered the party. Last night all of the girls who are main characters in the show stayed in a hotel room for the night, kinda as a bachelorette party. We stayed up til 11, but only cause me and Kusuo's small wedding is today. Only family and close friends are invited, not even purple perv was invited, but he said he would get details from ghosts and show up anyway.

I'm to spend the day with the girls until the wedding. Emi, Kyo, and Kat are all at the shop.

We spent hours just hanging out and reliving memories from when we were in school together.

Before we knew it, the day had gone and it was 6 o'clock, time to get married.

Kusuo POV

I wake up to a bunch of loud noises at 5:00am. I barely got any sleep because I saved the earth 2 times, one from an asteroid, another was a nuclear explosion. Not only that, but I saved the girls from lightning the hotel on fire. I have to admit, it was kind cute seeing her somewhat drunk.

Anyway, my Mom has invited over Nendou and Kaido at 5am to spend time with me until it's time to get married. I never thought that this day would actually ever happen, but here it is.

So, at 5am I got woken up by Kaido and Nendou, who then took me to get ramen at 5:30 when I finally got out of bed, so I ate Ramen for breakfast. We then went to the arcade, where Nendou and Kaido fought and tried to beat each other at every game. I just said I was going to the bathroom and teleported to psychic sweets to hide from humanity for awhile. My mom will get mad if she finds me back in my room, so I figured I could go back to sleep here. I'll wake up for lunch in an hour or so.

"Grandma look! It's dad's here!" I hear Emi say as I start to shut my eyes.

Crap, I've been spotted, plus I still have 2 minutes before can teleport again.

Kimiko's mom came in with Kat in her arms and said "Kusuo? What are you doing here?"

'I teleported here to go back to sleep.' I say. Kimiko's mom knows about my powers, and so does Emi.

Just then, Kyo comes crawling into the room says "Dadda?"

I smiled a small smile. Her first words.

I spent the rest of the day with the little ones, also helping out June in anyway I can.

6:00pm, Time to get married.

3rd POV

"Friends, we have joined here today to share with Kusuo and Lea an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.
Are there any objections to this marriage?"

The room was silent.

"Do you, Lea Kimiko, Take Kusuo to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish and to hold, til death do you part?"

Lea breathes in and says "I do."

"Do you, Kusuo Saiki , Take Lea to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish and to hold, til death do you part?"


"You may now kiss the bride."

"Actually, to be on the safe side, can we just hug?" Lea says nervously.

"Of course, you may now hug the bride."

Lea and Kusuo hug each other as the few people in the audience clap and cheer.

As they hug, Lea whispers, "Are you ready to go?"

'Yeah, are you?'


They break the hug, and holding hands and Kimiko waves at the crowd saying "See ya in 2 weeks."

Everyone looked at her weirdly and confused. She kisses Saiki's cheek and they teleport to the airport in Orlando Florida.

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