Group Chat

3K 18 0

(Kelsey, Stassie, Grayson, Ethan)

Bitches 🌸😋💫✨

G: Hey hoes

K: Sup dummy

E: Hola

S: Heyyyyyyy bitches

K: We should all catch up.

E: Yeah I agree
You and gray have
Been spending to
Much time together.

G: Well you and stassie
Have been together as well
🙄🙄 and what can I say E.
Your boring as hell.

S: woah shots fired 😂

K: okay guys we can catch
Up...but Stass and E tell us about
Your little date yesterday.

G: Yeah tell us 😉😂

S: Can we not use
The winky face its
Creepy as fuck

K: I agree with stass but
Who cares stop trying
To change the
Subject and tell us about
Yesterday 🙄

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