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@Fatherkels Wow, you really gonna do me like that when we have a baby!

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@Fatherkels Wow, you really gonna do me like that when we have a baby!

Likes: Stassiebaby, Camerondallas and 8,980,000 Others

Tags: @Graysondolan


@Fishydolans Woah she even @ you mate...she must be real mad!

@Kels He always hurts you,😥😩

@Hater53 Stop looking for attention.

@Babyk Why do you go back when all he does is hurt!

@Fatherkels Honestly idk @Babyk

@Hater12 Crybaby 😂🙄

@Stary.dols Why Grayson why!

@Stassiebaby For real he's hurting you again! 😤😡

@Dolanz Gray likes who he likes.

@Jackj, @Fatherkels You algood 💓

@Ethan_babes I hate Alexis, god why does she have to ruin everything! 😡

@Kkelsey I'm sorry, you don't deserve all this your pregnant!

*Fatherkels likes this comment*

@Fatherkels Yeah 💞 @Jackj

@Graysondolan 😶

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