Who's This Freak?

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    My name is Vaxene Sannut, I am a purple blood. I have a small selection of interests including music, reading, and messing with my friends.

    I could tell that today was likely going to be another good day as I pulled myself out of my recoopricoon. The large sit bags in the corner of my room were all messed up from the fit I had yesterday, nothing to worry about though. I gathered up some of my usual attire, t-shirt, hoodie, etc. before washing the slime off.

    My lusus poked his head into my restbitblock, checking to see if I was ready to go. Of course, I wasn't, I still needed to find my flute.

    After a while of searching, I found it buried under the pile of sit bags and some fluff squares. Before my lusus and I left, I tucked my tail under my hoodie and climbed on my lusus' back. He was much larger than me, able to carry me in his mouth by my hoodie, almost like a young paw beast.

    We were just going on a regular walk around the area, me providing some epic adventure music as Papafox ran on. Getting ready was a little shaky, but that made up for it. A real way to start the day if you ask me.

    I got lost in my music, only hearing what was coming from my flute and feeling the wind go through my shoulder length, curly hair. Everything felt right, well, until a rock was thrown at my head, nearly knocking me off Papafox.

    "No one needs to hear that! Some of us are trying to sleep!" One of my neighbours hollered at me.

    "Whatever Gredev! Let me know when your matesprit comes crawling back!" I called back at her sarcastically. 'Geez, I'm starting to act like Darein' I think to myself, letting out a small laugh. Speaking of Darein, it was about time that I go pay my moirail a visit.

    "You've never even had a matesprit!" She shouted as I gave my lusus the go ahead and start moving again. Typical Gredev, it was a little weird seeing her without the regular facepaint that most of my caste wears.

    I passed by some others that I knew, waving at them, and flipping Zadari off as she returned the gesture. Yep, same old, same old. I could've only hoped for something different.

    Soon, I arrived at Darein's hive and had Papafox let me down. Almost on cue, Darein's lusus opened the door, letting me in. My moirail's place is like a second hive to me, so I knew exactly how to navigate it. I made my way to his restbitblock, looking around to see if there was anything new.

    Right when I enter his restbitblock I notice that he fell asleep on the floor. I took in his appearance with a sad sigh. His hair was messier than usual and tears stained his face. This was either because of the horrorterrors or he started over thinking again. 'I should have been here. I should have been the shoulder to cry on like I normally am,' I mentally put myself down, believing that I was an awful moirail.

    I shook those thoughts out of my head and took my flute out of my pocket, ready to wake him up. Sorry dude.

((Hey, author here, sorry that this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer, I promise!))

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