Ow... Oh Hi

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    I touched my arm lightly and winced. As much as I knew that Darein cared, he did have a bit of trouble staying calm sometimes. But I knew the feeling, I used to be like that when we were little. I guess I still did from time to time. Darein was certainly getting better at controlling his anger though, and I was proud of him for it.

    "Are you okay? I actually heard that." I chuckled and nodded.

    "Nothing I can't handle, Dari just over reacts to hurting people," I sighed, reassuring Ebonii. She continued typing away on her husktop until her eyes lit up.

    "Zadari is going to be brining someone new for us to meet!" She exclaimed with a smile. I understood her excitement, Zadari isn't exactly the social type and she doesn't trust easy. And her trust also depends on blood caste, not really trusting anyone higher than teal.

    Darein returned with the first aid kit, muttering apologies nonstop. My arm got bandaged up and we were back to somewhat normal conversation.

    Roughly an hour passed when a knock sounded at the front door. Ebonii pulled a button out of her jar, purple, I had to go answer the door, yay.

    I made my way to the door, trying my best to not bump my broken arm into anything. When I opened the door, Zadari quirked an eyebrow at the bandages on my arm, me only nodding in reply. I brought my gaze down to a violet blood that was looking up at Zadari with diamonds in his eyes. Well. The eye that didn't seem blind, aside from that, he had injuries all over him. It was my turn to quirk an eyebrow at Zadari and she merely shrugged. The violet blood shifted his eye to me and smiled.

    "Hi! I'm Hayden! Hayden Ottson! Nice to meet you!" He introduced himself with twinkling eyes. The corners of my mouth flicked up, his joy was contagious, I had to admit it.

    "My name is Vaxene Sannut, I hope we can get along," I greeted with a slight bow, making him snicker and Zadari roll her visible eye. Hayden and I had this unspoken agreement to a race to Ebonii's restbitblock even though he had no idea as to where it was.  I won with the advantage of height, Hayden came up next with a pout, and Zadari had no problem keeping up with him just by walking, being about as tall as I was.

    As soon as we walked in, Darein sent a sharp glare towards Hayden. "Ottson," he greeted, his glare hardening.

    "Oh hi Darein! Didn't expect to see you here,"  Hayden smiled at my moirail.

    I took my seat back next to the indigo blood and pat his back with my good hand in an attempt to calm him down. He took a deep breath and let himself relax.

    "You know him, Dari?" I only received a nod as an answer. His black feelings were a little obvious, except for the caste rivalry, I couldn't figure out why. Zadari sat on a fluff square next to Ebonii, and Hayden sat next to Zadari.

    Ebonii started glaring at Hayden as well, great. I had forgotten that Ebonii has strong pale feelings towards Zadari as well. Guess this day wasn't going to go as smoothly as I first thought. My tail twitched under my hoodie in anxiety. Thankfully, no one noticed.

    No one here seemed to be on good terms. Except Hayden and I, and I didn't really hate Zadari anymore. I mostly stayed her kissmisiss so Baleya wouldn't try pushing her red feelings even more. We had already discussed this and agreed that it was the best course of action. She still didn't really trust me with anything, but she could tell when Baleya has gone too far.

"So, how'd ya run into each other?" I asked the olive(?) and violet blood. I was both actually interested, and I was just trying to get rid of the tension in the air.

"I spotted my late matesprit's scarf on her. Turns out my matesprit was also her moirail," Hayden explained with a half smile. Must be Magtri, he died at the hands of his kissmisiss. I didn't really know Magtri, but Darein used to be his auspitice.

A sad silence fell over the group, a silence I couldn't handle. I quietly and quickly got up and left on my lusus. I needed to go to my think space.

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