Chapter 3

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            “I’ll be back in a little bit mom,” I told my mom as I walked out the backdoor, and down the path that lead to the shore of the lake.

            I set down the art supplies that I had been carrying with me. This would probably be the thousandth time that I’ve drawn this lake, but I never get tired of it. Its constantly changing, whether it be seasons, weather, or just what position I was placed.

            Placing the sketch book on my lap, I opened my pencil case and pulled out a charcoal pencil. I began with the outline of the lake first, my hand swooping in different directions to get it right. Just after I finished the water, I heard a clicking noise coming from my right side. Naturally, I turned my head to see what the noise was. There crouched down a few feet away was Tyler holding an expensive looking camera.

            “Don’t pay attention to me just keep doing what you were doing,” Tyler tells me barely removing his face from his camera.

            I laughed a little before saying, “Tyler, what are you doing?”

            “Just taking pictures of a beautiful girl doing, her art work for my newest project.” He answered.

            “And what is this new project might I ask?”

            “A well turn out there’s an available space down on 47th Street, so I figured I could open my photography business there. But in order to get any business I’m going to need advertising,” He gave me a small smirk. I got the hint.

            “Oh God no. Tyler please don’t use me in your ads,” I instantly stopped what I was doing.

            “Oh come on. Why not?” He attempted to pull a ‘sad’ face, which really just looked like he was in pain.

            I laughed at his expression, but then continued to say, “Because I’m really not that beautiful. You should have someone else do it.”

            “Why would you think you’re not beautiful?” He asked setting down his camera, giving me his undivided attention.

            “Because I’ve been told it many times.”

            “Well the ones who told you that are assholes. They’re obviously just jealous because in my opinion you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” He gave me a smile, and a blush crept onto my cheeks.

            “Thank you,” I said and gave him a shy smile.

            “Now will you please be my model for my business?”

            “Oh alright fine. What do you need me to do?”  

            “I'll let you know when I need you. I still have to take care of a few things before I can officially call the place mine. Plus, I still have to set up the studio.” He told me.

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