To Johnny;

73 19 5

Dear the most annoying bf Seo Johnny,

You know how much I sucks at writing.

But I write this letter for you anyway.

My heart aches so bad after seeing your photobook,

which is full of my photos with your handwriting caption that tear my heart apart.

Maaf mungkin beberapa kata di surat ini luntur,

I'm sorry I couldn't stop crying.

Photograph lasts for a lifetime, you said.

That's why I hate it.

Setiap kali kamu motret aku.

Setiap kali kamu motret our happiest moments.

I hate it.

Because I knew,

These memories would be really painful to look at someday.

John, why did you leave me alone?

letters ; nctTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang