My life fell apart

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If you wher confused about the texts in the last chapter of nobody cares about my life pretty mutch I was saying he and that he wouldn't care if I died because her frind Eli had her phone but I never said this


Nessa is actually a guy and tells everyone that his name is Aron but apparently it's not Aron it's Tyler and that's a vary weird thing but I don't really want to get into that

But as you saw in the last chapter that Nessa brakes my heart constantly and when I say brakes my hart like would give me no reasoning and then hand the nurve to call me toxic and tell me I'm wrong about everything. And would brake up with me several times a day like not one not to but up to 3 or even 4 times in a day would leve me then get back together with a bunch of empty promises and lies that would be broken the following hour

So instead of being that strong independent woman that I was raised to be instead i was mentaly striped of any self worth or will to live I was a shell of the person I used to be because I would cry the majority of the time and I wasn't allowed to talk to my therapist about it because Nessa would get mad at me if I would say something about him and this whole time I could not say a word to my mother or anyone in my family and the only ones that knew where my friends and if you know me then you would know that Hailey is my best frind

Nessa dividend MY friends trying to make them hate me but they all knew the truth becose I was vary honest about the abuse and I'm not majoring up the word abuse even my therapist said that it was indeed mentaly and emotionaly abuse he would tell me I'm worthless and pethetic person that he has ever met in his entire life and would watch my cry wail saying this over the phone and in my house so yes it was emotional abuse agent me for a long time

But back to it Nessa Hailey was the only one that didn't believe me when I said that he dose these things says this and that and is a  PATHOLOGICAL LIER witch he is again even my therapist says this so it goes from Nessa for a moth and a half every single night would tell me that he would kill himself again Nessa is ftm trans

Now this is vary important that I say this Nessa desided to say this our of the blue to be like hey I'm type 2 diabetic witch makes no sense whatsoever because I didn't know that that could happen unless you didn't watch your suger and I know that that's not all diabetics but other kinds are called type 1 and I have a frind that is type 1 and that is completely different red flag number 1 just about this and so Nessa said I'm going to die if I fall asleep if my blood sugar is to low like under 80 in bad like fix it but no that's not happening I told him to fix it no I told him to eat something he refused so he was saying I'm going to die but I'm not helping myself red flag number I'm going to say 3 so far

Do I think that night he convinced me that he was dieing and I was crying and he was telling me not to cry and not to cared that he was going to die he then fell asleep on FaceTime witch is SUISIDE because he perpetually didn't do anything to fix it then fell asleep and I was told was suiside by Nessa and gess who's not dead in the morning Nessa he's alive and Wells f I'm so confused thinking he fired he told me he would and that I had to stay up with him this happened every single day fir then next month and a half and I would cry my eyes out every night and it was at the worst times like my mom would tell me to do the dishes right that second no choice and Nessa would be like I'm dieing and Eli her BEST FRIND once actually told me this is all up to you I'm going to sleep talk him out of him killing himself like wtf

On and if ther wasn't enough red flags Nessa would say stuff like sexual things stabilize my blood suger and would make me give her stuff to masterbate to or I would have to tell her things that would make her do that and 50% of the time when I was like hey is it working he would be like oh I never did and I would be on the verge of tears because of that because I hated it so mutch but he's still telling me he loves me and we wher Happy when he didn't put his life in my hands witch when I say was every day I mean like clock work i couldn't talk or be with my frind becjse I had to deal with this
Now I'm not going into that more because I could for hourse but like I said he said some like questionable things Hailys boyfriend had type 1 and so Hailey know stuff about it on by the way I never say a single sine of prof about this would not have his decision com I couldn't say stuff about it to her friends becjse non of them knew I couldn't tell my mom because apparently ther medical recorders wher stolen and her mom didn't like people knowing like wtf she didn't have a pod and didn't vary around shots of anything and I would ask it he had inselen with him and whenever he said yes I would look in his bag non and I would look around my room non so I knew it was bs about the inselen and I'm not saying he lied about it but pathological liers dostuff like that and the only way the cheak it was an app that you put the amount of food you eat and Nessa tons be he had a pump then told Hailey he didn't when asked about it but the finel red flag was when I was told that he was getting a surgery that would get rid of the diabetes all together with the surgery magically never happens

And Nessa would lie to his friends that we broke up when we didn't my friend don't even want to be in the same room as him but Nessa tells me that all have me and love him he would go as dare to tell me that my best frind since about kindergarten that Nessa has never met before and Nessa would tell me how mutch that hated me and that they think I'm a hoe and don't want to be my frinf witch really hurt me

Oh sorry I didn't mention before school ended I actually becose of Nessa atemtrd suiside not once not twice but around 10 to 15 times just becose of Nessa and Nessa knew about this and said I was doing that to make him stay witch i wasn't and if Nessa left my life becose then I would have been so mutch better off I also got my earring desorders better only becose I was more focesed on Nessa and I couldn't throw up because I didn't have time Nessa was alwase fighting or talking to me 24/7 like I mean she would fall asleep with me of face time and call me in the morning before school marking me rush to get ready because my timeline didn't hatter to him and it was all my falt everything was and I was at a point wher I was cutting with the intention on bleeding out I just never went deep enough I couldn't I would take a bunch of pills thfnva my friends and I would feel horrible the next day the farthest I git I took 14 non aspirins you only need around 30 to od and die and this was again bevjsebof Nessa
Now just highlights
Nessa pine me hardy the wall with his had around my thought

Would constantly make me cry and fell ofell about myself

Would brake up with me fir no reson dayly

Would hurt me fir no reson

Would call me 24/7 I would try and watch a show with my friend and we would have to pause episode at least five times every episode because he would call me and I would answer and tell him that I am doing things and he would talk to me for the next 10 minutes with out letting me go every five minutes

Oh and OFFICIALLY broke up with me at lest 20 times ya
And broke EVERYTHING SINGLE PROMISES THAT HE EVER MADE EVERYTHING TINE ONE  you know like I'll never hurt you I'll never leve you I'll never lie to you I'll never fuck with your hart you know things that are also you know mandatory for I don't know trust

That's been the last 6 months of my life in kinda getting back to the person I used to be but I was hurt and lied to so mutch I don't think I could ever trust anyone again yay have a vary good day

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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