Jessie underhill

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I was never one to believe in big crowds or social gatherings. I'd rather be home enjoying my own company then forcing myself to be uncomfortable by talking to people.

That's the way it's always been. I find maintaining relationships with people to be tiring.

So when my best and one of my only friends Krystal asked me to accompany her to a party I obviously turned her down immediately.

Krystal was a lot more social than I was almost everybody in school knew her but she was always there for me and she always been a really good friend to me. I put up with her even though she's spoiled rotten

So of course as soon as I said no she went to my parents and they loved the idea and told me I had no choice but to go because it's good for me to "Get out and have some real life experiences".

So I guess that's why I'm standing here.

Outside of the house the party was supposed to be happening in a pair of high waisted jeans and a black crop top ditching my glasses for contacts. The total opposite of what I would usually wear which is a baggy T-shirt with and an old pair of sweat pants

According to Krystal "that's not highschool party appropriate" so we had to meet in the middle

"This isn't normally my type of thing", I say nervously to Krystal fidgeting with my hair

"Don't be such a prude you really didn't have anything better to do"

She wasn't wrong dance and school were out for the day and all I was planning on laying in bed re-reading the the fault in our starts for the thousandth time

"Let's go before we miss the whole thing", she says grabbing my arm and dragging me up to the door

"Do we just knock?"

"Oh Faye you really don't go to parties do you?"   Krystal says opening the door and dragging me straight in

Well I'm sorry I was raised with manners

The whole house was packed

And I mean PACKED with blaring music hormonal teens making out and dancing with red solo cups in hand screaming and yelling and moaning

Now I remember exactly why I always stay in the house. Who in there right mind would consider this fun.

"I'm gonna go get you something to drink so you can loosen up", Krystal says walking away before I get the chance to protest

Of course she would up and leave the first 5 seconds of us being here

I stand in the same exact place Krystal left me in awkwardly observing any and everything in my sight and after about 7 minutes I decide I should probably just go and look for her

"Holy shit", I say wandering around the ginormous house

I'm convinced whoever lives here is a narco considering how big the house is

They had footballs and basketballs signed by some of the best known athletes in the world

Gently pressing my finger tip to the basketball that had Lebron James's signature on it I feel the bass from the blaring music in my hand

"Impressive right?"

Turning around I see a boy with semi-curly black hair brown eyes and a pink shirt on

He's cute so why is he talking to me?

"What?" I say trying to understand what he said through all the talking people and loud music playing

"I said impressive right", the boy says a little bit louder

"Oh yeah"

Laughing nervously from another human being especially one who looked as good as him interacting with me I bounce on my heels awkwardly

"Hi I'm jessie", he says loudly so I can hear him 

"I'm Faye", I say In my already introverted quiet voice which was no help in this situation


Too shy to say it any louder I look down. I hate it that I get like this when someone simply talks to me.

Sensing my uneasiness he takes my hand and leads me outside

"I'm Faye" I say once he can finally hear me

"Who would leave a beautiful girl like you alone?" He smiled looking down at me

Ahh the most classic line in any  book

"I prefer to be alone"

"Why is that?" He says tiling his head making him look ten times hotter

"I guess people scare me and i'd rather be by myself"

"Everybody's needs someone"

"I have someone" I reply causing a look of disappointment to cross his face

"I have Krystal and my family and there all I'll ever need in life"

"So is Krystal like some sort of friend? or girlfrie-

"Just a friend" I say cutting him off


"Do you live here?", I ask trying to make some sort of conversation

"As a matter of fact I do"


Leaning on to the cold metal rail of the balcony I blow out air for no particular reason

It was nicer out here it felt peaceful

Looking down I spot a familiar blonde dancing on one of the tables by the pool below

"God dammit Krystal"

"I have to go", I say to Jessie turning around and opening the patio door

"I'll see you around Faye"

Not knowing how to reply i walk inside and downstairs to the backyard finding Krystal

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