Chapter 3

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Jessie's P.O.V

I bend over resting my hands on my knees breathing heavily from the 2 miles I just ran.

"I'm never running again", I think to myself

Standing back up slowly I smile taking in the change of scenery.

The trees swayed in the breeze making the desolatewas park only feel more peaceful. The sun had just risen making the dew on the grass shine it was perfect. It made me feel at ease.

I come to places like this when I can't think. Sometimes my life feels like one track record put on repeat turned up to maximum volume.
The money, the girls, the parties. I could tell it was taking a toll on my mental health.

I needed something different for once.

That's something everybody seems to struggle with understanding. Every time I try to explain my emotions I end up sounding "ungrateful" so this is normally the type of thing I keep to myself.


My pulse skips hearing my name come from a voice behind me

Knowing exactly who the voice belongs to I turn around and smile.


She had her hair in a bun with a book in her hand and of course as always she looked beautiful.

Faye's P.O.V

I've came to this same park for 4 years. The same time the same spot doing the same thing.

Not once have I ever seen him here and it was strange.

He was bent over out of breath in what looks like running attire, saying something I couldn't quit make out.

Not knowing what to say or do I watch him silently. Shifting a little in my seat to get a better view of his face.

He looked lost. Like he was looking for answers but couldn't quit find them in the place that he wanted to.

I know that feeling and it sucks to put it simply. I felt like there wasn't anybody I could talk to about because every time I tried to explain myself I sounded as if I was complaining.

Before I realize what I'm doing I call out to him.

"Jessie" i mutter causing him to jump slightly and turn around

"Faye" he says looking me up and down

He stands there staring at me for what feels like an eternity before He comes to sit down.

I clear my throat shuffling a little to increase the space between us

"Third times a charm I guess" he smiles putting he arm over the top of the bench

I blush slightly and nod my head not knowing how to respond

"What are you reading?"

"Call me by your name" I say closing the book to show him the cover

"You seem like the type to always be reading"

"I've always loved books"

"Don't you think movies are better?" he says making me giggle

"I prefer to get lost into the words in-visioning the scenes in my head making a connection with the characters thoughts and feelings rather than watching a 2 hour movie that takes out all the emotion and replaces it with sex and it's just no-

I pause In The middle of my sentence only to find him smiling widely at me

"What?", i say now concerned


"I just like that your opening up to me more is all"

That makes me smile too. For some reason in this moment talking to him only felt natural.

"Have you finished it?",

"I've read this book at least 8 times over" I say proudly

"I still think I prefer movies, i've never really been a reader"

That's because it's a Trend to make a movie of every book ever made now. All the good classics are now this generations "edge"

"How about this" I say perking up a bit

"I'll lend you this book to read so you can see for yourself"

Taking out my book mark and handing him the book he thanks me examining it

"Here before I forget" he says pulling out his phone

"Give me you number and I'll text you about it"

Nervously I take the phone out of his hand putting my contact info and hand it back to him

"I better get going I guess"

When he says that I frown a little on the inside

"Thanks for the book"

"And the number" he adds winking

I nod my head smiling lightly

"Bye Jessie"

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