Chapter 2

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(a/n Faye is played  by Sydney Kay Marie)

"Why the hell does you car smell like windex and vodka?", Charlie asks me

We were currently driving to the mall looking for a gift to give Charlie's sister Aleah who is just recently pregnant with her 1st child.

"Because I had to drive Krystals drunk ass home from the party on Friday and she spilled her cup all over my seat".

"Actually How was the party?"

"It was strange", I say giving him a short but truthful answer

"Imagine me going to a party and that's exactly what happened" I smile

"I guess your right your not really the party type and I think Krystal only asked you to go because I was busy"

"How was big bear?", I ask genuinely interested and a little concerned for him

Charlie and his dad haven't had the closest relationship since his parents divorce and I can tell it's hard on him sometimes. He puts up a front and pretends everything is fine but deep down I know he's hurting and I feel for him.

"It was awkward as hell and every time I tried to bring up my mother or anything relating to my home life he would get quiet and shut down", Charlie explains sighing at the memory

"We'll at least you got to spend some time with him right?", I ask and he scoffs

"Im just glad it's over"

I hum in agreement and he turns his attention back to his phone


"What about this?", Charlie says holding up
A light pink onesie with bows printed across the front

"It's so tacky I mean I would never let my child wear that" I respond scrunching my nose slightly

"Off to another store we go then" Charlie mutters sarcastically

This would be the fourth store we've visited because this gift has to be perfect. Aleah has been like the older sister I never had and we loving her first child into the world is a very big deal

"Your just to picky" charlie says as we walk out

"Mhm maybe"

The mall isn't as busy as it normally was just a couple of people here and there and I thank god for that. The less people the better.

Turning the corner we see a big group of boys one of which I make eye contact with pushing each other laughing and yelling.

Tensing I lower my head and grab Charlie's arm

"Your so weird", he says already used to my antics

Sighing once we pass them I let go of his arm

Sometimes I hate the way I react to people it only makes being a teenager even harder

"We should go into the forever 21"


2 stores later we surprisingly found our gift in a hallmark. The one place charlie said we shouldn't go.

It was a shiny snow globe with a pink base that had Mickey and Minnie holding hands.They would spin and play music when you turned the knob on the bottom.

"Isn't it beautiful?", I say examining it

"Yeah I'm sure she's going to love it and all but I really have to pee" he rushes out in a flat tone

"Okay you pee and I'll checkout"

Charlie leaves reassuring me he'll be back in 5 minutes but knowing him it'll probably be 10

"Seconds times a charm I guess" A voice says behind me and I immediately recognize it

A smile crawls onto my face and I turn around coming face to face with exactly who i guessed it was

"Hello", he beams looking down at me

"Hello" I say back shyly looking down

"Always so quiet" he mutters mostly to himself

"You look beautiful Faye" he says making me heat rise to my cheeks

"You remembered my name" I say genuinely surprised

"It's been impossible to forget", he says mostly to himself

"I thought i saw you walking earlier with someone but I guess I-

"Dude what the fuck is taking you so long!", someone says coming coming up behind him

He pauses for a moment looking down at me a confused look etched on his face

"Ryan this is Faye, Faye this is Ryan" Dylan explains sending his confusion

I awkwardly nod my head at Ryan hoping he'll take it as a greeting

"Is this the one you said looked like a goddes-

He's cut off by Jessie elbowing him in the stomach

Ryan curses quietly but is silenced by a souls churning death glare dome Dylan

"Well I better get going" I say awkwardly intervening

Dylan nods slightly offering me a warm smile and I return it

"Good job dude you scared her off!", I hear Dylan say once I start to walk off

After I finish paying charlie then comes out missing all the action

"What took you so long Charlie", I ask but I think I already know the answer

"I was taking mirror selfies" he responds in a "duh" tone

Of course he was that's probably why he went in the first place

"Did you check out yet?",

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