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Sonadow ~my cream machine~

*third person*
Sonic was just making coffee for his morning
Sonic: *yawns*
Soon there was knock at the door and sonic left the kitchen to answer it when he opens the door he finds a unexpected visit
Sonic: shadow?! What are u doing here?
Shadow: I came to see if there was any chance u had coffee rouge and Amy drank it all....
Sonic: uhhhh Yeah I have some come in
Soon sonic showed shadow where the coffee maker was at
Sonic took the last cream cup and put it in his drink
Shadow: hey sonic do u have any cream for my coffee?
Sonic: sorry Shadow I used it all ready....
Shadow:........*has a dirty idea and smirks*
Sonic: shadow u ok?
Shadow: oh sonic mind coming here?~
Sonic didn't like that tone but he came anyways
Sonic: so what do u want shado-
Sonic got cut off by shadow kissing his and making out with him
Sonic was shocked he tried to push him away but shadow was 100x stronger than him so there was no point in trying so sonic just kissed back
Sonic and shadow: mmmmmhhhnnnm~
Shadow went down to Sonics member and started to suck and bite on it hard but sonic just cried with tears of pleasure soon shadow had sex toys with him to play with sonic

Sonic: shadow I thought u came for the c-coffee *pant*
Shadow: I did but sense u took all the cream I'm taking it from u my cream machine~
Shadow got down and put a buzzard thing on Sonics nipples then shadow turns on the buzzard and puts two fingers in Sonics tail hole and moves around inside him making him cum on shadow

Shadow licks his lips tasting the flavor of his cum
Shadow: mmmmm~ tasty~
Sonic blushes like never before his hole body was red of blushing then shadow grabs his coffee and puts it under Sonics member sonic then cums in his coffee
Sonic: ahh!
Shadow drank it but he sat it off to the side he wanted more of sonic so he put sonic on the bed and put his member in his small tight hole
Sonic: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!~ nah!!!~
Shadow: ur enjoying your self huh~
Sonic: shadow harder faster deeper please take me~~~~
Shadow then found Sonics sweet spot and hit that spot over and over again

Sonic: shadow cum inside me~~~
Shadow: with pleasure sonic~~~~~!
He then cums deep inside sonic though shadow finished but he was so wrong he then forced sonic to suck on his member

Shadow: mmmmm~~~~ sonic ur mouth is so warm and soft~~~ ur tongue is making me go nuts for u~~~~~!!! Shadow then cam in his mouth and sonic swollen all the cum that shadow had shadow wanted to put himself inside sonic one last time so he put sonic sitting on his member and sonic gasped at what happened
Sonic: shadow~~?
Shadow: don't worry sonic I will go gentle at first and then go more faster~~~
Shadow starts to move sonic up and down his member sonic had to cum shadow just smirked and put his finger on his member to keep him from cuming

Shadow did that for a few more minutes and he came inside sonic shadow pit sonic on the bottom and still had his member in him he put sonic and himself in a box or something

~3 hours later~
They both were panting harshly and shadow and sonic went to the kitchen to get the coffee again little did sonic know that shadow now had a bucket full of Sonics cum and put some in his cup and went to Chill out with his new lover....

~the end~
Me: now that took forever yo
Shadow: are u going to announce something vixen.....?
Me: oh ya *ahem* guys this is my first story on Wattpad so please enjoy bye *falls asleep*

My cream machine~sonadow~Where stories live. Discover now