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Once, there was a big war in Blimios, the biggest continent of the four in the world. Where the kingdom of Operon, fought against the big kingdom of Areawyth. The Operon were a breed of  elves. Their vision was better than that of the humans and they also lived longer than the humans, they are tall and agile. They traveled all over the continent. They stationed at places for as long as they could profit from the ground and the rivers. Their marksmanship was unsurpassed, and they were excellent fighters with sword. From birth to death they traveled, and from the age of five, they learned how to ride on horses, and how to fight on horses. They were not rich, they only had the few things they needed. But there was one unnecessary thing they carried, Books. They wrote everything down. The stories that got written down often were told to kids, either to frighten them or to entertain them. They traveled around until one day, one tribe, found the perfect place to settle. An old river, wriggled through the landscape formed by volcanic eruption, and left huge meanders. The river was too broad to make bridges, and the water was to fast to swim through. So, the tribe settled there, guarded by the water on three sides, and they build towers and walls on the other side. Between the walls and the water was a very big and hilly landscape. They ate fish from the river, meat from the farms and potatoes and apples from the land. And as the first tribe grew steadily, more and more tribes joined the community. Until the people, the animals and farms didn't fit. They made the wall higher and they made more, slightly lower walls. These walls formed sections. And each time a tribe would join, what happened once or twice a year, they made another section for that tribe. Outside the walls they would practice archery and sword fighting. When the city, called Raddon by this time, contained 50 tribes with about 8900 inhabitants, gathered in 37 years was full. They rebuild the first/inner section of the city. The houses and farms got partly destroyed, all the animals and farms were transferred to the most outer sections of the city. And in the first section called section One, was build a great wall about 32 feet from the water, there was one entrance to go to the space that was left over to fish, and get abourt of a boat. the wall was ten feet thick, and 40 feet high.
Behind the wall, seen from the rivers perspective, was a big castle, the big castle was created with more walls and big spaces to house archers and men in case of an attack.
The chief of the first tribe to settle in the meander was made the king, and now his son, Merial son of Tehir, was king, and the castle was his first order. Merial and his family lived in the castle, along with multiple leaders of other tribes. The other leaders all got ranks below the king, such as captain, or advisor. And over the years, the city grew bigger and bigger, and bigger. Until one man said 'I'm heading out.' He visited the king, got the rank of city master and took 58 couples with him, and so the spread of the people of Operon was begun.
And over hundreds of years, the land was big, a few hundred miles to get from the one side, to the other. More and more cities came to existence and the kingdom of Operon, inhabited by the Elves gained more and more people. The big army was settled in the center of the land in Raddon, and each village had its own small army to protect them and the surrounding villages.

But Operon was not the only country in the the continent Blimios. The kingdom of Areawyth, pure barbarians, hefty build men-like creatures called: Nargs. Swinging their axes, lived in the mountainous country next to the Elves. They dug tunnels and caves, build homes and lived from meat and darkness.

And there was the kingdom of Brohimir. One of the kingdoms of the  humans, they had a big land, but most of it was not habitable. Due to high mountains or big swamps. They were friendly and traded with the Elves.

Until one day, the village of Vlusdall, got attacked by the the Nargs. After a big war, and days of fighting, the Nargs won, they began traveling around the kingdom, slaughtering almost every living citizen of Operon.
The men of Brohimir could not help the Elves and the king fled with a small army to the boats, many men, women and children died. But the king, with his army and a few hundreds inhabitants of Raddon managed to escape. They sailed up the sea, and where not seen by the people of Brohimir or the Nargs ever again. 

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