Chapter one

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After the battle in Blimios against the Nargs, the remaining citizens of Operon sailed up the sea, after days and days of sailing every ship ran out of water and food, because they could not pack much. And when they thought they were going to die, surrounded by water, far from their homeland, someone screamed. The ship in the front was to reach it first, land.  From the twenty boats which left Operon only twelve remained, the rest got lost in the storms or did not bring enough food and water. Immediatly after the ship hit the sand of the beach, the king came forward, he was still alive. And he spoke:"Remaining citizens of Operon! We shall explore this land and settle here, for atleast some time. And if it is to times will, we will return home! Now go, and get yourself some good food!" And as soon as the king was done speaking everyone jumped ashore. The remaining families of Operon began unpacking the ships, building huts and tents. Some men immediatly started fishing, other began building shelter and the children were assigned to collect berries and water. 

In the evening, everyone sat by the campfire, watching the sun go down, forming spectacular skies. All the colour shades of the sun forming stripes and spots in the skies, the clouds formed like rough mountains in the distance, orange with golden outlines, the sky pink, slowy forming black. And after the stunning view the universe gave them that day, the sky cleared up and made place for the first full moon of spring and the countless stars, shining fierce in the pitch black abyss. When the show was over the children were send to their tents. And after a while men and women were going to sleep. The last remaining men sitting by the slowly dieing campfire flustered. When the men were sleeping, the only sounds you heared were the sounds of the forest, the nocturnal animals coming to life. The wind rushing trough the branches of the trees. 
The waves making their way to the land, to collaps on the sand, leaving shells and sticks on the beach. 

The next day the people of Operon send five of their men to explore the area, and go hunting.
 The children could finally play, the youngsters could continue their training. When the man who were send out to explore came back, they carried some killed deer with them, and the most surprising thing, they brought horses. The men were able to catch three horses before the sun reached the top of the sky. The women started training the horses, the men started building more reliable huts and when the evening scheme started to show, they ate the deer, the women had made a delicious stew from the deer flesh. Everyone ate till they could no more. And again they watched the sky turn all the varius colours. And they sang, songs from their homeland, songs wich reminded them of all the good things of home. Sad songs, about the war, and loss of their homeland. Happy songs, about all the good things and good times they had. And at last, they sang, a song in wich they wished for a return home. Not realising that, home was no more. 
Operon was now part of the kingdom of Areawyth, the Nargs now walked the beatifull lands of Operon, they now climbed the hills, and dug tunnels in the ground. They now profited from the rich, with fish overloaded, river. And the next day, a few men traveled, to search for better places to live, in the meantime other men built wagons for the horses to pull, they used old pieces of the boat and they chopped down trees for fresh wood. The people who had nothing elso to do made sure the rest of the tribe would take enough food with them on the journey to new places.
The men came back, and they found a good place to settle, so everyone ate, got to sleep early and early. The next morning they started their journey. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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