Chapter 1: Saving the world by being a nanny?

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"There is a meteor shower tonight, it hasn't occurred in a hundred years. I talked with a few old classmates and we are going to the suburbs together in order to watch it, are you coming?" At the other end of the call came an excited voice.

The young man sitting at the computer desk had his head tilted with the phone pressed against his shoulder. Both of his hands were placed on the screen in front of him. In his right hand he held a pen and he continued to draw as he spoke. "The outside is too cold, I'm not going."

"Xie Lanlan[1], why don't you lazy to death?" Their relationship had always been the same as that of brothers. Lu Yuan had therefore not truly been offended by the youth's crude refusal and proposed. "Well, let me at least take a few pictures for you later."

Xie Tao responded with a few disinterested "Mm-s" as the other person continued chatting and waited for the opposite person to hang up first. He then lifted a hand to remove the phone and put it back on the far end of the desk.

Xie Tao still wanted to continue working for a while, but when his fingers touched the edge of the drawing board, a stream of light glided past the corner of his eye, and then in the next second a loud bang shook Xie Tao's eardrum. He could even feel the impact through his desk's tremors.

A meteor actually crashed in his yard...?

Xie Tao held onto his precious drawing board for a second before turning to look out at the yard, he then finally decided to go out and have a look.

Walking downstairs, he discovered that many of his indoor plants had been shaken by the impact and had fallen down, lying broken on the floor. As he went outside to the small yard he also found that his careful grown potted plants were almost all the same, but now was not the time to feel distressed.

Looking around Xie Tao noticed a hole in the ground not far away, the hole was seemingly giving off a golden glow.

It was already a bit late and the sky had begun to darken, many things would shine conspicuously in the dim environment. Xie Tao was thinking about whether he should go closer and take a better look, but the decision was made for him as he suddenly saw something float up for the hole, it was a golden glowing ball...

"..." Xie Tao pressed his lips together and subconsciously took a stepped back.

Calm down, as a qualified citizen of the 21st century, he had to believe and have faith in science...

However, the power of science obviously couldn't explain what was in front of his eyes and neither could it save him at this moment. He prepared to run but the floating golden ball almost immediately saw through his intentions.

Just like a bullet, it shot forward with a speed far too fast for Xie Tao to avoid and in the scene reflected in his eyes, the golden ball got bigger and bigger, then it hit him with a flash.

There was no pain, but Xie Tao's vision immediately darkened and he fell into darkness.

When he regained consciousness, he found that the surrounding area had become a white space with no end.

Science, from a firm believer to completely giving up.

He looked around. The space seemed very unstable. In the distance, far away, he could see that some of the space had even collapsed and twisted.

He felt that he had encountered a very troublesome thing....

However, once this unscientific reality was accepted, Xie Tao was able to cope with the current situation and turned his gaze to the golden light ball that brought him to this space.

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