Chapter 10: Now we just need a gatekeeper

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There were not a lot of cubs in the club right now, so for the time being Xie Tao only wanted to recruit one caretaker to replace Zhao Chuan and he would then recruit more when there was a need.

The finance of the club should have been taken care of by a professional accountant from the start. But because of the club's conditions, Xia Qi was forced to take on this work as well.

It could not go on like this, especially since the activity of the club would according to Xie Tao's plans increase. He had therefore felt it to be one of the important jobs that needed to be added onto the first recruitment wave.

Xia Qi had soon posted it on the star network, and together they posted the printed recruitment flyers on the commercial street. Within a few days, some people had started to come to the club and Xia Qi handled the interviews.

The wages had been raised from 1800 to 3,800[1] which was the main thing that made more people come than before but it was still not much. Food and shelter was generally offered by very nursing club and their club was not ranked within the 3,000, in fact, it would most likely be very low on the list.

Even with the raise in the salary it was barely enough to hire a C-level caretaker. The average salary of a B-level caretaker was generally tens of thousands and A-level needed  has at least 200,000 a month. As for S-level... They might not even be available even if you had enough money.

To be honest, it wasn't until recently that Xie Tao found out that there was such a rating among caretakers and that if you wanted to get a corresponding rating, you would have to partake in the professional assessment held by the Star Alliance.

Originally, Xie Tao had thought that childcare workers in this world were just like those on earth. That it was just a matter of raising children. But, unexpectedly this world's childcares workers also needed to guide the cubs to develop abilities.

Xie Tao had wanted to hire a professional A-level caretaker to come and care for the cubs, but he had to be realistic. Right now he only had 3.06 million. When he first got the money, Xie Tao had actually felt that the money was quite a lot, but after he calculating the expenses, he felt it not to be enough.

First of all, he had to save half of the money to pay for daily expenses and improve the living conditions of the cubs in the club. After all, there was much to buy, such as better rations for the older and milk powder for the smaller, cub toys, cribs for young cubs, and so on.

Before the impression given by the club was fixed, their club would not be able to make any money at all. Even if its outer appearance was repaired, they would probably still have to go through a difficult period before the business started to move smoothly. The money saved therefore had to be enough to get them through that period and pay for daily expenses and salaries so that this place didn't fall apart when they tried to fix it.

After putting away the money needed for that, they had 1.53 million left, but then there was also the expenses of fixing the appearance of the club. Xie Tao wanted to completely rebuild the entrance of the club and replace that rusty old gate. Although the cost of doing so was definitely much larger than just changing the gate by itself, Xie Tao had something in mind and felt that it was important to do so.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to build a guard house next to the gate and they also needed to improve the overall environment. In the end, Xie Tao's wealth had rapidly depleted.

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