Chapter 3

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Hawkpaw stumbled on a log, he huffed as he heaved himself up again, instead of continuing his walk he sat down, licking his paw. It was the first time he has groomed it in ages, and it felt good.

Hawkpaw heard a distant meow, he got low hoping no one had followed him out. He crept towards some heather and tucked himself neatly in a small gap hoping the cat wouldnt smell him.

He waited patiently the small noises getting louder "shhhh! Do you want them to hear us?" hissed an angry voice.

"like your any better" spat the other, the cats came closer, their small legs coming into veiw "did you hear that?" fretted a small grey she cat.

"it came from there" meowed a nervous dark grey tabby, she kept closer to Hawkpaws spot and slowly removed the heather.

"what are you doing out of camp?" demended Hawkaw quietly, "your mother will be furious" he meowed, the small grey she cat was too familiar, it was Blossomkit, and her sister, the tabby Juniperkit.

Blossomkit innocently hid behind her sister, As Juniper stood defiantly "i could ask you the same" she spat back. "we wanted to get away, Adderkit and Brickkit are convinced that your lazy and ruin everything, they were playing a game taking turns to attack each other pretending it was you, we didnt like it so we left" she explained

The words sliced through Hawkpaw, did they think that poorly of him? He shook his fur "oh... Well i came out here to get away from everyone" he meowed sitting down

Blossomkit moved closer "we know" she meowed "they are nasty to you" she meowed curling next to him, Hawkpaw knew she was cold.

He glanced at Juniper and nodded, knowing she would be too, "lets get back" he meowed gently.

The kits casted unhappy glances but followed, they all crept back into camp through the apprentice den, knowinf there wasnt enough time Hawkpaw told Juniperkit and Blossomkit to sleep in his nest, as he slept next to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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