Chapter One: First Day

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Carla Yeager was downstairs, fixing up breakfast.

She softly rubbed her hands on her apron, that was around her yellow shirt and red skirt, and looked at the time.

"Is that boy still not up?" She asked herself.

Carla looked at a young girl, wearing a cute uniform with a red scarf around her neck.

She quietly ate her cereal, waiting for the same boy.

"Mikasa." Carla said.

The girl named Mikasa looked up at Carla.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Go wake up that boy of mine. You guys are already late." Carla said.

Mikasa scooted her chair back, and got up.

"Yes." Mikasa said, before going upstairs.

A young teenage boy slept in his bed, lazily.

His head was back, with his mouth wide opened.

His brown hair was a mess, and his clothes were wrinkled and sweaty.

"Eren." The boy heard.

The voice belonged to a female.

He rolled over, closing and opening his mouth sleepily.

"Eren!" The voice got louder.

A groaning noise came out of the boy's mouth.


The boy shot awake, seeing Mikasa loomering over him.

Eren rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Mikasa. It's early. Go to bed." He said.

"Eren." Mikasa said. "Remember the first day of Junior High when I told you that we were late?"

"Y-Yeah." Eren said, still asleep.

"What does that tell you?" Mikasa asked.

"We're late." Eren said, going back to sleep.

But it wasn't long before Eren was fully awake.


Eren and Mikasa ran downstairs. This time, Eren had his pants not on backwards.

"Let's go Mikasa!" Eren said, snatching his backpack.

"Already ahead of you Eren!" Mikasa called, all the way down the block.

"Hold up Mikasa!" Eren called.

"Have a good first day of high-" Carla was cut off by Eren slamming the door. "School."

Eren was able to catch up to Mikasa.

"Mikasa!" Eren called. "Mikasa wait up!"

"I'm running as slow as I can." Mikasa said.

"Slow?! You call this slow?!"

"Calm down Eren. Oh, and not only did you put on your pant backwards this time, but you put them on inside out."


Eren looked at the tag and groaned.

"Armin said that he was already there. School doesn't start in an hour. So we're fine." Mikasa said.

"That's good. That's really good. We're going to make it, just in time. As long as nobody-"

Eren bumped into Jean.

"Dammit Jean!" Eren yelled. "I don't have time for you!"

"I can say the same about you, Eren." Jean hissed.

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