To take away Hope and Faith

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Hi this is Skylark12 and purplezebra3! we are writing this book. It is just for fun and we hope you like it.



They came in the middle of the night.

It was a shame too. I had just gotten tiny little Reah to bed, and fast to sleep.

If mother really does happen to be a witch, as they claim she is. I hope she zaps them.

It all happened so fast. Mother was suddenly yelling at us, telling us to get to bed, and stay quiet. I didn't know why, because she never cared to much about going to bed before.

"Go to bed now! Naomia, Reah" mother said quickly.

It scared Reah in fact, for mother NEVER yelled at us!

I rushed up stairs and changed Reah into her night clothes, slipping the pink flower-printed nightie over her shoulder length fair curls that are very similar to mine, and slipped her under the covers of our bed. I got changed into my floral night gown, which is a very unseemly length, but we couldn't afford much more. pulling it over my long, fair golden curls and looked at my big blue eyes in the looking glass. Then I waited until Reah was asleep, and then slipped down the stairs, and hall. My bare feet barely making a sound.

Mother was sitting in her chair, with her raven pin-straight hair falling down her back, and gleaming in the firelight. She was breathing heavily, in the way she does when she is frightened, and she seemed to be shaking, but it was hard to tell in the. candlelight.

She was staring at the door, as if waiting for something. Maybe a visitor, who was late. But all I knew, was it couldn't be good.

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