Kokoro's Ninja Way Part 1

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-Kokoro's P.O.V.-

It seems like nothing more than a dream.. yet I know it was real. All of it... I came to the village hidden mysteriously, trained hard to become a ninja, and met a beautiful girl who I had fallen deeply in love with. She became my best friend, my motivation. Through her, I thought I had found my ninja way. I wanted nothing more other than to protect Calienia Moonsilver.

We grew up together and my feelings had gotten nothing but stronger for her. Then it happened. The entire ninja village, destroyed. My father had died in that explosion. I had lost one of the closest people to me... But she... She had lost so much more. I still had family living in another village, while Calienia had lost everyone she had come to know.

I put aside my feelings despite of the pain I was in from loosing my father. I kept closely by Calienia's side, comforting her through it all. We went across the sea to another village where we had come to known a man by the name of Orochimaru. Later we discovered the crimes he had committed along with what he had done to my beloved Cali-Chan... I wanted to make that man suffer as much as he had made her suffer. I failed to protect the one I had loved...

We ran away but... I had gotten a disease. The Orochi curse. I watched tears fall from Calienia's eyes as I began to fade away. I wanted nothing more other than to kiss her before I had passed on, but my wish hadn't come true. I died....

But I hadn't just faded away entirely. I had awoken once more, a special jutsu was placed on me to have me live once more. It was all thanks to a new friend of my beloved Cali-Chan. I was overjoyed to see her again. We spent the next few hours talking and she kept close by my side, telling me how much she had missed me and wanted to prevent my death. I wanted to kiss her right then. Sweep her off her feet and claim her as my own.


It just wasn't meant to be. For I had then found out Calienia had a new man in her life. She was pregnant and married. I then lost my ninja way. My only ninja way was to protect her at all coasts, but now there was someone new to watch over her always. I was heart broken... But I couldn't bare the thought of taking away her happiness. So... I stayed her friend, and now, I look for a new reason, a new ninja way.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I relaxed against the tree branch, listening to the leaves blow in the wind.

"Pft. Are you seriously sleeping? Or are you daydreaming again? I swear Kokoro your so damn lazy..."

I groaned in annoyance. Calienia had made all sorts of friends and one of them happened to be a half demon by the name of Krystal. She was always nagging me if she wasn't trying to kill me. She gets upset over the smallest of things and uses those reasons to torture me. Her other reason for torturing me was either boredom or her personal favorite, entertainment.

"Don't you have anything better to do than nag me to death?" I opened one eye to glance at Krystal.

"Don't you have ANYTHING to do at ALL? Other than being lazy of course. Your such a pitiful human."

"Hey, your half human."

"I'm still more active than you. Which is clearly why I'm stronger to. You never get any training in."

"I train plenty and if you were stronger than me I'd be dead by now."

Krystal started laughing. "Yeah right! I don't use all my energy on you because your simply a toy. I'd get bored if you weren't around."

I smirked. "So your saying you'd miss me if I were dead?"

She blushed. "DON'T GET COCKY! AND WIPE THAT STUPID SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE!" Krystal kicked me hard in the side of my rib cage and I went flying out of the tree just to crash into the trunk of another and slide down, hitting my head on the ground and letting my legs hang above me.

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