Chapter 4

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Andy's POV:

It's been a few days since Rye and I spent the day cuddling, it has become a bit awkward between us. The only thing that has been constantly on my mind is the kiss that Rye and I shared those few days ago. I really want to talk to him about it but I'm guessing that it was a mistake and he doesn't want it to be brought up. I deleted the photo of Rye and I cuddling that Mikey posted on Instagram. I only saw it a few hours after it was posted so a lot of the roadies had taken screenshots and it's all I've been seeing lately. I hope Rye isn't as upset by the picture as I am.

Rye's POV:

I wish I had the courage to talk to Andy, even though he said that he doesn't hate me I fell like he's lying. When ever I enter a room he always leaves. When we were in the studio recording a few covers, he stayed as far away from me as he could. But I've decided today that I'm going to talk to him, whether he wants to or not.

I walk into the Mindy room and he was sitting on Mikey bed. They were both laughing while watching something on Mikey's laptop. Jealousy flows through me as I watch them together. I know that Mikey is straight and they are only friends but I just wish Andy was with me and not Mikey. Now I really need to talk to Andy, sort out what ever is happening. "Rye are you ok? You look kind of mad." Says Mikey.
"Andy can you come with me?" I ask. "I'm actually really comfortable here, so I might stay here." He replies. "Andy, that wants a question. Come on."

He sighs and gets out from under the blankets and follows me out of his room. "So what did you want?" He asks. "Put some shoes on first." He walks back into his room and comes back a minute later with a pair of plain black joggers on. "Ok, now come with me." We walk down the hallway and I open the front door and gesture for him to walk through. He walks out of the flat and I follow close behind him.

"We are going on a walk." I say walking down the stairs. "Why?" Andy questions. "Because I need to talk to you about something." I love the black jeans he is wearing, they make his butt look so good. We walk in silence for a few minutes before either of us decide to talk.

"So Andy, why have you been ignoring me for the past few days?" I ask "Don't say you haven't because I see you walk out of the room as soon as I enter, and you've literally talked to me twice outside of studio" I look at Andy as he just looks down at his feet as he walks, he doesn't respond. "Andy can you answer me? Did I do something wrong? Do you really hate me?" "No it's nothing, just personal problems." He mumbles personal problems? He's lying. I'm actually starting to get annoyed, why can't he just talk to me? "Was it because I kissed you a few days ago? Because I don't regret it. I had been dreaming of that moment for months and it was perfect. Your lips on mine is the best feeling I could ever experience." Shit, I've said too much.

He stops and looks up at me, he looks great, obviously. "You don't regret it?" He asks, his voice sounding happier than I've heard it all day. "No, I don't. How could I ever regret kissing you?" I smile plasters his face and his adorable dimples appear. "Well just to let you know..." he starts, tears fill his eyes. "I'm gay." He looks away, obviously embarrassed. "You don't have to cry Andy, don't worry, don't be embarrassed." I pull him into my chest and hold him tight. "I think it's kind of obvious now, but I'm gay too." I feel like a weight lifts off my shoulders, I've haven't told anyone before. And now I just told Andy, the guy that is the reason that I'm gay.

I hold him till he stops crying, which only takes a few minutes. "Do you want to keep walking? Do should we go back to the flat?" I ask him, I don't want to make him stay with me any longer than he has to. "Let's keep walking. I don't want to go back to the flat looking like this." "Ok." We start to walk and I grab his hand. Andy looks down at our hands and smiles. His eyes meet mine and he turns away turning a sheer shade of red. Aww... he really is the most precious human on earth.

We walk in silence for the next few minutes. I'm don't mind, I just make sure that our hands stay locked together. "So.. how long have you known that you were gay?" Andy asks me. "Probably about a year. What about you?" "I've known since we met. As soon as I saw you I just knew that there was no way I was straight." He blushes again. "Ooh, someone has a crush," I tease Andy. He speaks again, "so what made you know you were gay?" "I'm actually not too sure, I've thought about it a lot and I think it was when we did the churro kiss in America. It just felt like we were meant to kiss each other."

"The churro kiss has always been my favourite kiss, the only reason I did it was because it gave me an excuse to kiss you. Remember? I didn't like churros and threw it out as soon as the kiss was over." I say. "Yeah, I think that is the roadies favourite too." We start to approach the flat again (since we went in a circle). We are still holding hands so I reluctantly let go of his hand because I don't want any of the boys to judge us.

Andy is about to walk into the building but I stop him. "Andy, I have one more thing that I want to ask you, before we walk back into the flat." He nods as if telling me to keep talking. "I'm going to do something that I've been wanting to do for the past year." I take a deep breath in. "Andy, will you be my boyfriend?" He looks kind of shocked but excited at the same time. "Of coarse I will Rye, I love you too much to say no." Finally I asked out the person I have been dreaming about for countless months. It's feels so good to finally be able to call him mine. "Can we not tell the boys or Blair yet? I don't think I'm ready yet." Questioned Andy. "Ok, Anything for you babe." I say and lightly peck his lips before walking into our building. I don't know how well I will be able to hide my feeling for Andy from the boys, but I've done it for this long it's just a little longer. I love him so freaking much already, and we just started dating. I can't wait to tell the roadies.

(A/N: here you go, here is another really bad chapter in this really bad book! You are welcome)

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