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june 30, 2018

today i woke up, and still had my phone in my hand.

i glance at the screen to come face to face with a sleeping daniel.

guess i fell asleep while facetiming daniel. oops.

i take a couple screenshots, and decide not to wake him up because he needs his beauty sleep.

i hang up on daniel, and get ready for the day.

i go onto instagram, and decide to post the picture that jonah got of daniel and i.


likes by seaveydaniel, corbynbesson, 1,375 others@cxrolinahills: love you forever <3

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likes by seaveydaniel, corbynbesson, 1,375 others
@cxrolinahills: love you forever <3

seaveydaniel: i miss you carebear🥺❤️
imzachherron: miss u girl come back
corbynbesson: daniel wont stop talking about you, listen to zach and come back!!
user1: where tf did she come from
user2: back off my mans

《time skip of about a month》

august 7, 2018

daniel and i have been talking every single day for the past month.

its been really amazing of how close we've gotten, even though we've only met once.

"so carolina, about that daniel boy.." my sister begins.

her 13 year old self has been going insane over the fact that im friends with a boyband.

and so have all of her friends.

"oh god what now"

"canwegotonewyorktoseethemthissummer" she spits out really fast.

"anna please say it slower so i can understand you."

"can we go to new york to see them this summer? them as in why dont we?" anna asks, realllly slowly to make sure i get all the words she puts out.

see why dont we again? thats a sentence i would never let down.

"where? and how do you know about this and not me?"

"they're coming to the today show and i know you and daniel have been wanting to meet up again and this! is! your! chance!" she says, clapping in between each word at the end.

"well, since our grandparents live in manhattan i guess we could stay at their place..." i tell her while thinking.

my face instantly lights up at the thought of seeing daniel again.

"so, what do you think?" she asks me.

"i mean, going to the today show has always been on my bucket list, and you we won't be in school yet, and i REALLY miss daniel and the rest of the guys, also i know you really want to meet them, so it's a yes from me, but ill talk to our parents about it tonight." i tell her.

"yes! thank you so much!!" we start to squeal from happiness as i start to think about hugging daniel again.

i could only feel my smile grow as we drive back.

the thought of being in daniels arms again made the spark in me ignite.

Short one, I know. I wanted to try to speed some things up, so there's probably going to be some type of time skip in the next chapter I don't really know.

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