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april 6, 2019

last night daniel and i did something VERY bold

i dont think the rest of the guys know, thank god because we were loud.

im waking up, once again tangled in daniels arms as we travel to our next destination, which happens to be boston.

"daniel." i say, shaking him slightly.

he groans, and tightens his grip around my waist.

"daniel come on get your lazy ass up." i poke his arms.

"nooo its too early" he whines as he tries to swat my hands away.

i laugh a little as he shuffles furter underneath the covers, trying to fall back asleep.


yelling can be heard from the front of the bus, from the voices i can tell that its zach and corbyn.

"NO FUCK OFF" corbyn yells.

footsteps (which are much louder than youd think) start to come closer and closer to the bunks.

i was about to start annoying daniel a little bit more, when the curtain goes flying back and corbyn chucks zachs phone into daniels bunk, hitting me right in the face.

"hey carolina, morning daniel, hide zachs phone please." he says as he shuts the curtains and stumbles towards the bathroom.

i hear zach running after him, yelling curses as he tries to get his phone back.

"someone tell them to shut up, some of us need our beauty sleep." daniel mumbles from the pillow.

"daniel you dont need any beauty sleep, youre already beautiful" i awe at the boy, who starts to blush from my comment.

he tugs me down to where hes laying, and starts stroking my hair.

"and this, is why i love you."

i peck him on the lips, as we lay there for a moment.

our very nice moment was soon ruined by zach, opening the curtain.

"have you guys seen my phone? did corbyn tell you anything?" he rushes out.

"corbyns in the bathroom." i quietly say, caught up in the boy that currently has me wrapped around his finger.

"okay thanks!" he yells as he shuts the curtains, giving us a little bit more peace.

"how have you lived with them for the past 2 1/2 years?" i ask daniel, giggling at the end

"honestly i dont know."

we lay there for a couple minutes, just enjoying each others presence while sharing a couple kisses here and there.

"im hungry." daniel whines.

"i thought you were tired?" i laugh, climbing over the boy as he finally lets go of me.

i walk out of the bunk area to where the fridge is, in hopes of finding something to eat.

daniel comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, and snuggles his face into my hair.

"you smell good" he mumbles.

"thanks, i used your cologne" i reply, laughing slightly.

"it makes you 10x hotter, just so youre aware." he says as he moves back towards the table.

this boy i swear he can make my stomach flip upside down just by his words.

april 6, 2019
10:15 pm

daniel and i are sat on top of the bus, staring at the stars as we wait for the tour crew to pack up.

"the sky is so beautiful" i say in awe.

"not as beautiful as you, my love." daniel turns his head towards me and grabs hold of my hands as we lock eyes.



"why me?"

"what do you mean?"

"out of the millions of amazing girls you couldve chosen in the WORLD, you chose me. why? im no more special than the girl next to me, neverless you couldve gotten someone much better than me. what made you pick me?" i ask the question ive been wondering for months, since he first gave me his number in the alley in the middle of baltimore back in june, 2018.

he sighs, and lays his hand on my face.

"because carolina, i fell in love with you the moment i saw you. you are perfect. absolutley stunning, and i could never ask for anything more than to just have the girl of my dreams. that day back in baltimore when i first laid eyes on you i knew you were the one for me. yes, we're young, but that doesent matter to me. youre all ive been searching for, maybe even more. i cant imagine myself with anybody else, carolina. im in love with you. i always will be." he smiles, as he tucks a peice of hair behind my ear.


"yes princess?"

"i love you, i always will."

"i love you more, forever."

congrats, you finished the concert! this book has taken almost 2 whole entire years to finish just because of how lazy i am, but than you so so much for all the support! im working on a new book that i think youll all really like, its called ghostin :)

see you all soon :) 🤍

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