Chapter 25

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They were too far away to hear the faint whisper that left Jungkook's mouth "Hoseok turned me, slaughtered my first love and stole my true mate. All to get revenge. Haven't you gone far enough?"

Taehyung's pov.

We walked away, straight into Hoseok's car, and drive off. 

It felt so painful, the knowledge that I had two mates and one tried to forcefully mate me. The knowledge that I had to choose. I know I still love Jungkook, but how could he do that? Cheat, try to mate me against my will and not even fight for me when someone else wanted me.

It hurt. It killed me inside to know that he wouldn't even fight. It devastated me to think of what he might have done after biting me.

The whole ride was silent, only the low hum of the cars engine could be heard. That was until we arrived at a very large, modern looking house. 

He drove up into the garage and told me to get out

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He drove up into the garage and told me to get out. I complied, but to be honest I hardly know Hoseok and I'm here, going into his house, my second mate's house.

Now, I understand that I knew nothing about Jungkook when he kidnapped me, and obviously kidnap it worse then me going willingly but I can't help but feel as if I've made the wrong decision.  

I still want Jungkook, I can feel this pull towards him, that I don't feel for Hoseok. I ache for him, I need his warmth, his smile and his love. I need him so much, but I can't have him.

It's silly really, wanting someone who has hurt me so much. I hate cheaters, and I hate being forced into things and well I was forced into being with him in the first place, but he was so kind when I have him the chance.

Anyway,back to Hoseok. He sat on the big corner sofa, parting the space next to me so I could sit. I say with him and he turned to me. "So tell me something about yourself. " he says in a very interested tone.

 "Well what would you like to know?" I ask. There are many things I could tell him. Things that no one knows, things that I've always had to keep to myself, but oddly I don't want to. He's my mate, but I kind of feel as I'm betraying Jungkook if I tell Hoseok first.

" Well I want to know everything, your past, how you feel in the present and what you want for the future. " 

He sounded so caring, but his eyes say the opposite. They shone with distaste, irritation and just pure 'I don't care'. This was not what I was used to, Jungkook would always look at me so lovingly, like he wanted to sweep me off my feet and pepper kisses all over my face; it's honestly an adorable image.

 "Um ok well I had an ok childhood" lies " my family always stood by me" lies "I went to college and that was great" more lies, it was horrible " I made a lot of friends and then got a job, then I got kidnaped, and that's my past. " 

I couldn't tell him the truth, I couldn't feel like I betrayed Jungkook, I didn't want him to know the real me. The broken me. 

 "Your life seems pretty uneventful. What about the future?" His words were sharp, snappy almost, a big difference to how he had ever been before.

I noticed he skipped the present too, like he doesn't care how I feel now, like he doesn't want to listen to what I have to say about how this whole thing has effected me. 

"Jungkook wouldn't act this way, he would listen, cuddle you and tell you he's sorry. He was only scared of losing you, that's why he did it"  i thought to myself. 

 "Umm I think a child. I've always wanted a child I could spoil and love. Also some pets, maybe a dog. I guess I just want a happy life with someone who loves me... Is that what you want?" 

I didn't really know if he was going to answer. He stayed silent for a while; not moving. Just sitting. 

"I guess that is what I want. I don't know about a child, but a happy life with love sounds nice." His voice was quiet but I could still hear it.

" would you like me to be that love? " I asked, curiosity got the better of me. I needed to know if he really did feel something for me like Jungkook felt when we met.

" Yes. " he said. 

He was lieing. He didn't want me. I could tell it from his tone. 

He didn't like me.

He hated me.

AN: sorry I haven't updated in so long, school has started back up, I have a Saturday job and it's my birthday soon but I wanted to update so this one is a little longer then normal.

It hasn't been proof read so sorry if there are mistakes.

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Have a wonderful day


Cass xx

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