The horror begins.

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"Put more strength when you slice. Make sure you have a good grip on your dagger."  You instructed showing again the way  your students had to move, the kids you had saved repeated after you and replied in union.

"Yes, mentor (Name)."

It sounded really strange to you, to be called "mentor", you didn't have as much experience as other assasins yet you made a surprisingly good teacher, you were a bit too soft at times but that was to be expected, these kids weren't even thirteen yet, not to mention they knew nothing about assasination techinques. 

You didn't put your expectations high but much to your surprise they were all very good at it. Along with them trained your brother as well, who they saw as a teacher as well.

"(Name)!!!" A deep voice called and you looked back, Lo'lo was coming your way and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Lo'lo, what's with the smile?"

"Well, it seems we might have something like an assasin elite team." He commented and looked at the kids, they all brought their knifes before them and prepared to fight. Aside from you and your brother they trusted no one else, not even Scheherazade. 

"It's okay everyone, that's enough for today... take a break and later on, train on your battle stance and your speed when slicing, I have prepared targets for all of you to train on your own, don't overdo it though." You interrupted and they all nodded with a smile before they left to do as instructed.

"You're really good with kids." Lo'lo teased and you raised an eyebrow.

"It's true sister. You're a good teacher, kind, patient and you take in consideration everyone's way of learning." Luca added and you sighed.

"I don't think I'm that good. Besides I saved them from the bastard who had them locked up and sexually harrassed. I think it's kind of normal for them to trust us." You argued while looking at the kids playing around in the garden.

"I'm sure the captain will have competition if you two ever have a child." Lo'lo joked and your eyes widen as a blush made it's way on your face.

"Huh?! What are you saying?!!!"

"That's right Lo'lo. Whoever said we're going to have only one child." Another voice added and you looked back to see Muu looking at all of you with a small frown.

"Just how many babies do you plan on having with my sister?" Luca asked curiously and you looked at him shocked, what the hell were they all talking about?! How could they be so calm and cool upon discussing such a topic.

"Six or seven... maybe even more." He replied and looked at you with a charming smile, you were so embarrassed and angry!!!!

"What are you taking me for?!!! You entitled, red haired pervert!!!!" You exploded and he laughed upon hearing an extra on his nickname. He came closer and hugged you as he looked at Lo'lo and Luca.

"Isn't she the cutest when she's mad?"

"Big sis, you're completely red." Luca commented and you hid your face as you placed your head on Muu's chest.

"Shut up already!!!" You whined and Muu patted your head, the two of you left as he continued to hold you in his arms.

"You're so cute at times like this. Usually you are very cool and impressive beyond words... it's making me crazier for you."

"A man that wants over seven babies is insane."

"Why is that?"

"Just because!!!" You replied and looked away, still blushing.

"Does that mean you don't want to bear my child?" He asked seriously, you looked at him for a moment, how did he expect you to say this?

"That's not... it. I want to... bear your child... since I fell for you... a family sounds really good... but talking about it... it's really embarassing." You confessed in a low voice but he heard it.

He smiled upon hearing this and raised your chin before kissing you, he pulled you to a small corner that covered you both more or less. 

His kisses made you weak and your mind began to cloud as you gave in almost instantly. You would break for a pant or two before continue making out, for a moment you looked at him through half closed eyes... he seemed so content, so very calm and happy... it made you happy as well.

"We should stop... at this point we might end up creating a baby here." He mumbled and you nodded, you knew he was going to come to your room tonight to continue, that's how things happened, he would either get straight to the point or wait and ravish you during the night. 

"Muu... you know that I love you... right?" You asked seriously and he nodded.

"I do... and I love you too, more than anyone and anything. You're mine and I'm yours." He replied and kissed your forehead, this last part sounded a bit dark and threatening... as if he was warning you that another male in your life besides the ones that he knew would result to something bad. You tried to ignore it and the two of you parted as you returned to the kids.

Muu began stood there for a while, as you walking he saw a male servant looking at you with a blush, though you had just said that you loved him he couldn't help but feel jealous as he saw the way that servant was looking at you. 

He wanted to hit him or worse... kill him for having nasty fantasies of you. He calmed himself down and looked at the garden where the kids you had saved were practising with the targets... perhaps having a child might also help in making other males back off. 

After all, he was the only man who you loved in a romantic way. And he would make sure that he remain the only one. As the servant was passing by, Muu pulled out his sword and sliced him in half. He looked at the body of the dead servant before taking it away as fast as possible and burned it. He proceed to have a maid clean the floor saying that a spy from Kou had entered the palace but had been failed and was probably heading back to his homeland with a quite a few injuries, there was no reason for the maid not to believe him and so she said that to everyone else, making sure that you would continue to see him as you should, your one and only love.

And he'd ensure that anyone who tried to alter this way of thinking wouldn't live long to enjoy the results of his actions.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now