Rising tensions

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You looked at the sky, it was grey and it looked like a storm was coming, next to you Riku with his sister were playing with some new toys... you had been tending to them as much as possible, taking them on walks and playing along  with them... you had also kept on with Judal's training and had taken two new apprentices, Hakuryuu and Kogyouku. Both had been eager to learn the techniques of assasination and both had vowed to be loyal, Hakuryuu vowed on the graves of his brothers and Kogyouku to her love for her country. 

- Mom... why hasn't dad come to visit us? Riku asked... you turned to look at him. How long were you going to lie to your own children? You couldn't tell them their father was a murderer... but you couldn't keep it up either.

- Dad... has made a big mistake.... and he needs to fix it before we go back, it won't be too long before you see him again. You said, suddenly an assasin entered, clearly distressed and filled with worry.

- Your husband is coming here... he knows you are in the Kou empire, my lady. He said and you frowned, this was bad.

- How?

- He caught one of our own... he tortured him and he revealed the truth, including the locations of our villages. He said and you were well aware that what Muu did, meant war.

- Keep everyone on high alert, patrol our borders constantly, have the best of the best in our first line of defense. 

- What about the other villages?

- Tell to their commanders the same. If they spot anything suspicious to inform at once. None of them is allowed to act unless I know it. You said and your underling left to deliver the messages, you turned and saw your children looking at you worried.

- Mom? What's going on?

- We might be forced to fight some bad people. You said and Riku tittled his head.

- What's a husband?

- Uh... I can't tell you yet. You said and he pouted.

- Why not?

- You're too young for that. You said and he stood up.

- Can I fight too, mom?

- No... but if someone bullies your sister, you must protect her, okay? You replied and he nodded. After that you called for a female assasin to look after them while you went to the palace, you informed Judal, Hakuryuu and Kogyouku about what was going on.

- That's a very confusing story. Kogyouku said and Judal smirked.

- At least it's interesting... even more so now that I get to fight Fanalis trash.

- We will not attack unless they do. However if anyone is being suspicious capture them and bring them to me. You told them and all three nodded. However as you were about to leave, you spotted a small piece of gold from afar, you hid behind a pillar and watched carefully... surely enough it was Muu, his appearance completely changed, he seemed... inhuman, merciless and... monstrous. He looked like a real beast with how pale his skin was, his expression showing a hatred you had never seen before... his eyes empty and his mouth a firm line, his fists were tight, to the point where you thought his hands would bleed. As he got closer you began to back away, with a quick glace you saw that he'd notice you if you tried to leave right now. You looked down at your metal vessel, never before had you used djin equipment, you could do it, you were sure of that but you never tried... you worried that if worst came to worst, you'd fight him and wound him severly enough to escape. 

Lowering yourself, you made yourself one with the background around you and waited, as he moved passed by you, he stopped for a second, scanning the area, you tried to relax, if you were too stiff there was a greater chance that he'd notice you. You had no idea how long you were like this but it wasn't until a guard called out to Muu that he moved away, you stayed down until you saw him enter to meet whoever he was here for... and then you left, climbing on a rooftop and jumping from roof to roof, never looking back and trying to go even faster. 

Meanwhile Muu was meeting up with Kouen, both glaring at each other. Muu knew you were here, he knew where your village was yet he himself could't go and get you... not without causing trouble and having Kouen fight him.

- If your wife left you, then I think she had a good reason. You were here when I met her, I was here when she showed her affections for you. Kouen said and Muu scoffed.

- Then you know that she needs to be returned to me. Muu said and Kouen's expression remained stoic.

- I am not her owner, I can't give her to anyone. 

- Then let me take her on my own, do not interefere. Muu said and suddenly there was a knock, it was Judal.

- Looks like I heard right... psycho husband has arrived. 

- What do you want, Judal? Kouen asked.

- Nothing really... just wanted you to know Hakuryuu, Kogyouku and I just returned from training.

- Training? Muu asked and Judal smiled, he was more than excited to give Muu the news, to see him panic.

- Your wife, is teaching us, we are going to become assasins... and so far it's been a blast. Judal said and Muu froze.

- What?

- Hehe... I'm glad she left you... she can make the Kou empire the most powerfull nation ever, given her status and the fact that she's a metal vessel user. Judal said intentionally, he knew Kouen would see the benefits and wouldn't allow Muu to act, it'd be a good opportunity to annoy him. 

- Indeed. 

- She could stay until our training is done. A new voice said, this time it was Kouha, much to everyone's surprise.

- "Our" training? Judal repeated and Kouha nodded with a smile.

- I'm joining you three... this is going to be so much fun. Kouha said with a sadistic grin... Muu glared at them.

- My wife is coming back home with me!

- Your wife doesn't seem to agree. Kouen said and Muu turned towards him.

- You can't-

- Oh shut up! Kouha said and Muu growled before leaving, heading straight for your village, not knowing that an assasin had already left to deliver the news to you.

Assasin of hearts (Yandere Muu Alexious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now