there you go

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Soohee's POV~

Oh shit. It didn't take me long to even realize who was standing in front of me. Maybe I haven't seen him in a while but I sure as hell remember that wicked smirk.

"You piece of shit. You have a lot of nerve showing your ass here!" I snapped swinging my bag at Jungkook who was looking at me like I was crazy. Be prepared Jungkook and Jimin. With him I'll lose my shit real quick.

Now I know why my father got so scared about whoever was chasing us.

That's because it's my own step brother.

"Soohee who is this guy?" Jimin asked walking a little closer to me.

How was I so blind. He hated me, hated my father, hated Beakhyun, he even hated his own mother. His hate for this whole world he hide behind that large smile. I should have known it was someone my father knew, he wouldn't have got this scared over just someone so small.

No my step brother is more than doing dirty work like my father. My step brother was doing drugs, human tracking, he was even doing something on the deep web. That's why my father kicked him out when I was around fourteen. Even his own mother wanted him out. Sadly to say my father wasn't married to her more than three years later. She wasn't as bad as him but we knew she was secretly giving texts to him ever chance she could get. Telling him about me. About my father.

"Where's your old man. I have a few things to talk to him about. Including about how he stole something that belongs to me." My step brother said as he pulled out his cell phone. I hadn't at first but now I had noticed that he wasn't alone. There was three other guys behind him making me wonder what did my father steal that was so much to my step brother that he had to hire three people.

"Nowhere you can find him. That's for sure!" Jungkook snapped making me forget that he was indeed behind me.

"New friends?" My step brother asked only staring at me. Try me bitch!

"Almost like family. Unlike someone." I replied back crossing my arms. Ha! Piece of shit!

"How sweet. Just tell you father to call me, or I might really have to hire someone better to shot you next time." He smirked crossing his arms.


My whole world froze for a second. How I meet Taehyung is because someone from my father's enemy side shot me. I would have never thought in a million years it would have been my step brother. Never would have I thought he would have done this.

"Soohee, who is this person?" Jimin asked grabbing my arm. I felt my heart start to break knowing that at one time in my life, I really liked this guy. I actually thought of him as family. But knowing that he's the one who tried to kill me.

Now I'm really starting to wonder, what did my father do? What did he steal? But then again, my step brother could be lying. I never did trust him anyways.

"Jungkook. Jimin. This right here is my step brother, Hoseok." I spoke softly as I stared at Jungkook and Jimin.

"Brother? You never said anything about a step brother." Jimin growled grabbing my arm.

"See you around Soohee!" Hoseok waved before him and his other friends left. As soon as they were out of sight I let out a large sigh. But then Jungkook and Jimin started to yell at me.

"What the hell Soohee? Is he the person coming after you and your father?" Jungkook snapped making me wonder what got him caring this much all of a sudden.

"Now that I think about it yeah. It makes sense. The only person my father ever got scared of was Hoseok. Even though Hoseok is a lot younger and smaller than my father. Hosoek is way more street smart than my father." I spoke trying to think about what to do.

Should I call my father or-

"Soohee this isn't good. He knows where you are and everything. He knows that you are in this small town. I don't know how but you can't be here. What if he comes after you." Jungkook snapped hitting Jimin in the arm.

"If he wanted me dead he would have killed me right now. No. My father has something that he wants so bad that Hoseok is willing to let me live until my father gives it to him." I spoke looking through my bag. Once I found my cell phone I started to dial him but Jungkook snatched my cellphone and threw it on the ground before he slammed his foot agaist it.

You ass!

"Jungkook!" I shouted wondering why and the hell is he is being such an ass.

"Somehow Hoseok found us. Found you. For all we know he might already know where your father is and he's just playing some sick game. For your father's sake and for Taehyung's sake I was told to keep you safe and I will. " Jungkook grabbed my arm before grabbing Jimin's.

I was about to ask him what he was going to do when all of a sudden I felt my breathe being taken away. I felt nothing but warmth running down my body as I saw nothing in front of me. Then a few seconds later I could hear many people talking as I could finally see what was in front of me. But to my surprise the many people I could hear talking weren't really people.

"Home sweet home!" I could hear Jimin's loud voice filled with pure joy as I just stared at Jungkook who was giving me a small smile that was slowly becoming a smirk.

"You fucker brought me back to hell." I shouted before punching Jungkook in the face.

But does that mean I can see Taehyung?


Okay so I'm sorry for this chapter being up so late. I wrote it and then re wrote it like five times before it ever felt right to me. But I'll definitely have another chapter up by this week. Promise too!

Thanks for reading!


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