Chapter 2: Annoyance

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A loud rumble woke up Amber. She snapped awake at the sound and nearly fell out of the bed. She instantly stood up and got into a fighting stance, her wide amber eyes darting around the room looking for the threat. It took her a moment to realize what that noise was. Just a strong wave. Amber sighed and relaxed, casting a glance out the window.

She was on the S.S. Anne, sailing for Kanto. It had been a week since she last talked with Trinity and anyone else for that matter. Summer had come to a while ago, and the sea shimmered in the light of the sun. Amber wasn't a fan of the water but even she had to admit, it was beautiful.

She let out a quiet sigh and walked over to where her laptop rested the coffee table. She sat down in the chair in front of it and put on her headset before starting up the computer. As the computer came to life, it flashed and alerted her of an incoming video chat from Trinity. Amber glared a bit at the notification before hitting reject. Shaking her head to shake off the sleepiness still with her, she sighed and got back to researching, looking for any recent sightings of her brother.

And, as always, the media had nothing but dead ends. No recent sightings and no information about where he'd gone, or where he might be. It frustrated the red-haired trainer a lot. She wanted to find him fast, but it was pointless if he was always laying low. It was ironic really, two people looking for each other but not wanting to be found. At least, she hoped he was looking for her.

Throughout her research, she kept getting calls from Trinity, which made her even more agitated by the minute. Finally, she had had enough and blocked her number. Amber took deep breaths to calm herself, while her amber eyes had begun to gain a fiery glow, dimming a bit as she regained her composure. She soon decided she was getting nowhere, so she closed her laptop and headed up to the deck for some fresh air.

Once up there, she let out a soft sigh and leaned on the railing of the ship, looking out at the vast ocean. The lenses of her sunglasses shielded her eyes from the light of the sun and hid the glow that still remained there. Though the ocean view worked its magic, and her eyes returned to normal, calming her down. It had been a while since she'd felt this calm since life had always been one screw over after another for her.

Amber looked down at her gloved hands, tugging them down a bit. They were the one thing she would never take off in public. She knew it probably looked weird; a girl in a black shirt and jeans with black gloves and shades in the middle of summer. To be honest, she never really cared about how she looked to other people. Those kinds of things never really crossed her mind. She didn't have room for useless things like that, she focused on the more important matters to her.

"Okay, so I've been on this boat for a week now... that means we should make it to Kanto in a couple of days..." She muttered to herself, doing the math in her head. She looked up at the sky and could've sworn that she saw a rainbow of colors shine behind some clouds. But she was interrupted when someone leaned against the railing beside her, making her tense up.

"Well hello there cutie~" A male voice cooed, making her glance in his direction. He was a boy her age with messy raven hair and golden eyes, which sparkled in the sun. He wore a backward baseball cap over his messy hair and a light red and white hoodie, along with black baseball pants and white and red sneakers. Quickly analyzing him, she could already tell that he was trouble.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a low monotone voice, wanting him to go away and leave her alone already. But, it didn't seem like he was planning to leave anytime soon.

"Yeah, you can help me by telling me your name~." He replied smoothly. He offered her a cheesy grin and leaned in closer, but she leaned back a bit when he did so.

"How about, no?" She responded to his flirtatious attempts, getting up and walking away in hopes of losing him. But, to her disappointment, he trailed right after her. It's never that easy, is it?

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