Chapter Three : Loneliness and making friends

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As you may know loneliness is sadness because one has no friends or company. If you ever want to conquer loneliness then you can't just isolate yourself from other people. This may be a struggle for people who are shy but isolating yourself will not help. I know how hard it can be trying to think about engaging in other people that you don't know well. Like as a coworker in a new job or a student if there is a new student a your school or university chances are they don't have much friends either so it will be easier to befriend them.

Remember trying to keep yourself company will only make you feel more worse. If you play video games then you could try to meet someone you met in a game. Try to improve yourself so whoever you are trying to befriend won't be turned down. If you want people to like you follow proper higene habits. It's better to be a little quiet than a little loud.

It's easier to get erritated with a loud person than a quiet one. Don't slouch it makes you  look less confident in yourself. Just remember to try not to keep yourself company.

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