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Hoseok's POV

I can remember precisely was I was doing when I got the news. We had just finished a dance practice; the rest of the guys and I were all breathing heavily and drinking water like it was going to be our last sip. We were exhausted.

I'll never forget I had just smiled at Namjoon who was ecstatic about learning the new dance we had been taught. We all felt comfortable with it, and we couldn't wait to get started on the music video.

I had just walked over to my phone and I happened to be scrolling through on social media. My phone started ringing, and I realized it was my mother. She never called unless it was important so I picked up without hesitation. "What's going on?" I ask her.

"Do you remember your young childhood friend Y/N?" She asked me. "The girl who lived down the block?"

I nodded despite the fact she couldn't see me. "Yeah we were best friends."

"She's sick," my mother informed me. "I was talking to her parents today. She's been diagnosed with cancer."

I wasn't entirely sure of what to think when I heard the news. Y/N and I had always been close growing up. She was the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams when I decided to become a street performer. I was surprised by the news. It wasn't everyday that a friend of yours is diagnosed with cancer.

"I called because her parents wanted to know if you could come see her?" My mother asked me. "Ever since the diagnosis she isn't the same. She's given up. They were hoping a visit from you might help. I know you're busy-"

"I'll come by as soon as I can," I told her. "Just let me figure it out."

"Okay," she said softly. "See you then."


 Your POV

Cancer. The words still rang throughout your head. You couldn't believe it. Out of all the people in the world that possibly could've been diagnosed with the disease it had to be you.

You spent most of your time staring out of your window. You loved when it rained because you could study how each droplet fell and splattered on the glass of the window. It was one of the few fascinating things you could experience from the tiny space that was your bedroom.

Your parents tried to get you to go out, but you didn't want to. Only doing so when it was absolutely necessary. You knew you weren't contagious, but you didn't want to further impact anyone else's life. The more people saw you, the harder it would be for them when you died. You knew it was coming.

Death had started to fascinate you. It started out as a fear, and you firmly believed that knowing more about something would eliminate the fear of it. So you studied death. It worried your parents. Your search history would be filled of searches that included everything from what it felt like to die to whether or not there was anything after death.

It wasn't that you wanted to die, rather the contrary. You wanted to live. You wanted to experience the world, but you didn't want to bring the world down with you as you fell into your descent of deterioration.

"You have a visitor," your mother tells you after she knocks softly on the door.

You sigh. You didn't want people visiting you, but your parents insisted that you would love to see this person. You have your mother a slight nod and stood up to stretch.

"Wow," you heard in a familiar voice.

You froze and slowly turned around to face your childhood best friend, Hoseok. It had been four years since you last saw him. Four years since his career with BTS had taken off. The only contact you guys ever had was short holiday cards and the occasional thinking of you text.

Your mouth formed into a round "o" shape as you realized he was really standing in front of you. You couldn't help but drink him in. He had changed so much over the course of four years and photos and posers really didn't do him justice.

"Hey," you say softly. "What are you doing here?"

A soft smile appears on his lips. "I'm here to see you," he responds. "I heard the news." He walks over to you and you both sit down on the edge of your bed.

"Ah so a pity visit," you say, a hint of bitterness in your tone. "Hoseok-"

"It isn't pity," he says, cutting you off. He takes your hands. "It's concern. Your parents think you've given up. It's only stage one."

"Haven't you heard?" You ask him. You sigh when he gives you a confused look and walk over to the window. "We have no money," you inform him. "I don't have insurance. I can't pay for treatment."

"That doesn't mean you whole up in your room," Hoseok said. "You should be experiencing the world, Y/N." He comes up behind you and walks you back to the bed. "Don't run from this," he adds.

"How?" You ask softly. "How can I put myself into people's lives that way when I know I'm going to be ripped from them unfairly." You shake your head. "I can't do that."

"Y/N," Hoseok said. "You can't hideaway and just wait to die. You can fight. Let me help you."

You raise an eyebrow. "Help me?"

"Let me show you why you should keep living." He gives you a smile and holds up a plane ticket. "Come back with me to Seoul. Give me one week to prove to you that life is worth living even in the face of death."

You look him over and can clearly see the hope in his eyes. After a few minutes you sigh and nod. "Okay," you tell him. "You've got one week." 

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