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Hoseok's POV

"I think you and Hoseok should get a divorce."

My entire world froze as I walked into the kitchen and heard Jungkook's words. Never did I ever imagine hearing those words escape his lips. I tried to shake it off, but I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of sadness come over me. I had always thought Jungkook liked Y/N but I never imagined he'd go this far. Part of me wanted to immediately jump in there and give him a piece of my mind, but another part of me told me to stay put and listen.

"Jungkook," Y/N said with a gasp. "W-what?"

"Hear me out first," I heard him say, and I gritted my teeth. I wished I could see what was going on. I took a deep breath to try and keep myself calm. "I can see how upset you've been even before a of this happened." I assumed he was referring to the oxygen tank. "I know he's the reason you've been down lately, and you know it too."

What? Me? I've done nothing but try to help her and keep her safe. There was no way she could be more upset because of me. I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Kookie," I heard her say softly. "You don't understand-"

"I understand that you are my friend just as much as he is," Jungkook said quickly. "And I can't bear to see you like this. The others might not notice but I do."

"Jungkook, maybe you're right. Maybe I have been bothered by Hoseok's actions lately, but that doesn't mean I should leave him."

I covered my mouth to hide my gasp. She was bothered by me? What was I doing?

"So what if he's a little overprotective," Y/N said. "I know he's only doing all of this because he cares about me."

"Y/N then why haven't you told him these things," Jungkook said back. She didn't answer. Why wasn't she answering? "See," Jungkook said. "You don't think you can. You don't feel comfortable telling the man you're married to that you don't like the way he's acting? Then why are you married to him?"

She still didn't say a word and I could feel myself getting angry. She didn't like how I was acting? And why was she confessing all of this to Jungkook? Without thinking I walked into the living room and clenched my fists as Jungkook's eyes went wide.

Y/N turned around slowly as if she knew exactly who was standing behind her and immediately got up from the couch when she saw me. "Hoseok," she said quickly. "You don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly,"I said bitterly, cutting her off. "What have I done wrong? I've done nothing but try to help you and this is what I get? You want a divorce?"

She shook her head. "Hoseok no that's not what I'm saying that wasn't my idea."

"Then what are you saying Y/N?" I asked her fuming.

"Hoseok it's just that you don't give me any freedom. You act like if I even taken one wrong step I'm going to crumble to a million pieces. You won't even let me out of your sight half the time! It makes me feel helpless and useless!"

"I'm thinking of you!" I yelled at her. "I'm doing all of this for you! You have no idea how hard it is to watch someone you care about slowly slip away from you. Do yo I have any idea what I go through day in and day out?"

Y/N's entire expression changed. She closed her eyes and looked away from me. "I didn't ask you to," she said angrily. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. "I never asked you to do any of this." She glared up at me. "Maybe Jungkook is right-"

"Whoa," Jungkook said quickly immediately standing up. "Y/N-"

"Maybe if I'm such a burden we should just get divorced. Let me remove the weight so you don't have to carry it anymore. You can stop worrying about me. I'll figure it out just like I always do." She grabbed her oxygen tank and stomped out of the room.

"Y/N!" I called but she slammed the door shut and I heard the bolt click, locking it behind her. I turned and looked at Jungkook. "This is all your fault," I hissed.

"Don't blame me for you losing your cool just now," he said and crossed his arms over his chest. "I just wanted Y/N to finally tell you how she's been feeling. I never thought she'd actually think getting divorced was a good idea. I just wanted you two to talk. It isn't my fault that you went crazy." He turn on his heels and walked into his own room.

I sat down on the couch and buried my head in my hands. I had screwed up. Big time, and I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to fix it. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. I had to admit I was terrified. I didn't want to lose Y/N not after all of this.

I knocked lightly on the door and after a few minutes it opened. I walked inside to see Y/N holding a suitcase full of her clothes. "I think we need space," she said softly.


"I've been with you non stop for quite some time," she said cutting me off. "You don't let me out your sight. I need freedom, Hoseok. I'm not some animal you can lock away in a cage."

"I never saw you that way," I told her honestly.

"Then let me go." She looked up at me. "We both need this. We need to be apart for a little while." She sighed. "And do not blame Jungkook. This is something I've been thinking about for a while now. This has nothing to do with him. He's just being a good friend to me."

She pushed past me and made her way to the door. I followed her it took all I had not to try and stop her. "What does this mean for us?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said softly. "But I need this right now." She turned and walked out of the door. 

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