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Your POV

You sighed as you fiddled with your new oxygen tank; the strange, metallic, bullet shaped machine felt completely foreign to you, but you knew it was going to be a permanent part of your life from now on. You looked over the small, silver object. The metal felt cool against you hand as you brushed your skin over it. Your hand followed the tube sticking out of it until it reached your nose. You couldn't bring yourself to look at your reflection just yet.

"Everything okay?" Hoseok asks you as you slide carefully off the bed. He walks over to you and helps you down. "Be careful."

You you look up at him and force a smile. "Thank you," you tell him. Ever since you had woken up Hoseok has been waiting on you hand and foot. You loved him and you knew he cared, but it was starting to drive you insane. You felt helpless.

Hoseok opened the door for you and together you walked side by side out of the hospital. The boys were waiting for you outside by the van. You gave them all your best smile which they returned. Jungkook helped you into the van while Hoseok lifted your oxygen tank up behind you. Once you were seated comfortably Hoseok climbed in and sat next to you.

The ride back home was silent. It was like everyone was too nervous to say anything to you. You supposed they didn't want to hurt your feelings or make you uncomfortable, but you would rather them just say what's on their minds.

Once you reached the house you carefully climbed out of the van. Of course, Hoseok was sure to help you down and make sure you didn't fall. You tried to be grateful that he cared so much but it only irritated you further. You wrapped your hand around the handle of the cart that carried your tank and walked inside the house.

You instantly sat down on the couch and Jungkook joined you a few seconds later. Hoseok glanced over at you before being whisked away by Namjoon and another man you didn't recognize. You let out a sigh and rested your head on Jungkook's shoulder. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes you just sat there staring at the blank TV screen.

"You know you could really do some damage to someone with that thing," Jungkook said softly after a few minutes. "No one is gonna mess with you now."

You broke out into a smile and looked up at him. You couldn't keep yourself from chuckling at his words. "Thank you," you said in between laughs. "That's a good idea though." Jungkook put his feet up on the coffee table and you shifted so that you were laying down; your legs were draped over his and wrapped a nearby blanket around yourself.

Jungkook turned on the TV and flipped through the stations. "You gave us quite the scare you know," he said. "The doctor said you should've been feeling a lot of pain, why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm sorry," you responded. "I just didn't want you to worry."

"You didn't want him to worry," Jungkook corrected.

You knew exactly who he was referring to and nodded. "Yeah..." you said softly your voice trailing off.

Jungkook finally settled on a game show and let his arm drape around the back of the couch. You turned yourself around and laid against him propping your feet up on the edge of the couch. You snuggled into the blanket you had laying over you.

Jungkook smiled down at you. "You're gonna fall asleep," he said with a chuckle.

You shrugged and yawned. "Oh well," you said softly and made yourself more comfortable. You head wound up resting on his chest and you let the soft pounding of his heartbeat lull you to sleep.

You woke up some time later to Jungkook softly shaking you. You glanced up at him with sleepy eyes and raised a brow. "Whats up?" You ask.

"I just need to get up for a moment," he said softly.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes as Jungkook disappeared into the kitchen. A few minutes later he rejoined you on the couch and you got back in the position you had been in before he woke you.

"You should get in your bed," Jungkook said softly. "It might be more comfortable."

You shake your head. "I'm good here," you say. "You're the perfect pillow." You smile up at him and stick your tongue out.

Jungkook laughed and you both sat together in silence for a few minutes "Can I be honest with you?" He asked suddenly.

You nod and turn to face him. "Of course. You know I'd prefer that."

Jungkook let out a sigh and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know how to say this exactly and I don't want you to take this the wrong way-"

"Kookie just say it," you tell him. "It's me. I'm not going to get upset just because you tell me something I may not want to hear." You give him a smile. "I'm sure it isn't that bad."

Jungkook took a deep breath before looking into your eyes. "I want to preface this by saying that I really care about you and I only want the best for you okay?"

You raise a brow. You weren't entirely sure what was going through Jungkook brain but it was starting to worry you. You press your lips together and give him a reassuring look. "Jungkook what's going on in that head of yours. I'm starting to get worried."

He paused, the silence was deafening. "I think you and Hoseok should get a divorce."

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