39 (pov)

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Angies pov:

We have two days  in London left and then the boys, briana and I Are going to Tokyo .

Right now I'm in the guest room and Corbyn is laying on top of me sound asleep while I play with his hair.

It's about 8 in the morning and I'm to comfortable to get up. So I've just been thinking

Corbyn and the boys managed to keep Corbyn surgery from me by blocking me on social media and not telling me About it.

Yesterday I found out when I kissed his neck I look and saw the scare.

He then told be he was not supposed to fly untill a month but he flew to London for the wedding

We stayed in London for a month because of the wedding andthis month is almost over

"What are you thinking about baby" Corbyn asked in his little morning voice kissing my stomach

"You not telling me about your surgery and then flying over here when your not suppose to" I say

"Look I said I was sorry" Corbyn said in a kiddish voice moving his head to look at me

"I know but something could of happened" I said sitting up from my spot

" yes I understand but nothing happened" he said looking at me I was about to say something but was interrupted

"Don't start to fight, you guys have been together for like a week  and you already started an argument, Corbyn if you don't treat her right I will just still her and keep her to myself" Ashley said

"You and paddy back off my girl" Corbyn says giving his sister a little playful death glare

"Were did you come from didn't Daniel take you back to the hotel last nigh"I asked confused

" I slept with paddy" she says

"You WHAT" Corbyn yells looking at her as Ashley looked at me and I did a little fist pump in the air and she laughed at my actions

" relax Corbyn I'm only 13 I slept in him bed and he has a little mattress under him bed that he pulled out and he slept on their" she said

"That's not the only thing he had to pull out" I whisper to my self

" ANGELINA" Corbyn yelled

"Yuh nasty" Ashley says

"Anyways I just wanted to say paddy is taking me out" she says

"Ok be back soon so you can pack" Corbyn says

"And text us if anything happens" I say as she walkes away


Paddy👌😝: yes

I hear a couple of foot steps and paddy yell 'mom we are leaving for a bit' so I took that as a chance to yell

"PADDY MY MAN GET IT" I hear him laugh and close the door shut

"You are so inappropriate" Corbyn says smiling and kissing me

" I'm inappropriate you just kissed me" I say in disbelief

"Shut up" he says kissing me again

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