Peter's Terrible Day At The Tower

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Peter is Tony's biological son in this, and his real name is Peter Stark. He goes by the name Peter Parker though and lives at the Tower.


"Alright class, get off the bus!" Mr Harrington called. Everyone was so exited that they practically ran off the bus bumping into each other. All of the students looked up at the tower in awe, thinking about how great it was going to be to be able to go inside The Stark Tower.

Except one person, who wasn't there: Peter Parker. When they were handed the letters for their parents or guardians to sign, it didn't tell them where the trip was, only when and that it was a surprise. Of course everyone, including Peter, had been excited about the trip, however when Thursday came (the day before the trip) of course Peter had forgotten to bring his to class and wasn't allowed to go on the trip.

That same night he had gone home to Tower and everyone had noticed something was wrong


"Ok kid, what's wrong. You've been quiet since you got back from school." Tony said as soon as Peter sat down at the table.

"And don't say it's nothing, because we've all noticed it too." Steve than added.

Peter looked around the table to see everyone staring at him expectantly, so he decided to just answer with the truth. "Well, I forgot to take my slip with me to school for the field trip tomorrow, so now I can't go."

"Well where is it?" Tony asked knowing he could just buy the place for his son.

"I don't know. The letter didn't say." He answered gloomily.

"I'll tell you what, you can work with me tomorrow in the lab and my presentation/Q&A thing and train with the others all day. That's better than going to a practically empty, boring old school, right?" Tony proposed cheerfully to lighten the mood.

Peter smiled and looked up "really? I'd love to do that, Thanks Dad!"


So now Peter was in a lab on one of the lower levels with his dad, waiting for a tour group to show up. He didn't get much sleep though since last night he was up all night, working on a project for his suit. That's why Tony suddenly felt a small head resting on his shoulder causing a light smile to form on his face.


As the group walked into the large building, they were met with a women who than introduced herself as their tour guide.

"Hi, I'm Alicia and I'll be your tour guide today. When I read out your names come and get a lanyard and put it around your neck. These give you access ,if with me, to some parts of the tower." She began reading the class' names.

Once they were all set, they headed straight to the elevator.

"Hello Jarvis, can you take us to floor 24 please." Alicia asked the ceiling, earning a few confused looks from the students.

Than the elevator started moving and before the doors opened something announced "you have arrived at floor 24, enjoy your tour." Quite a few people jumped in surprise making Alicia laugh a little.

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