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Hey :)

This is my first story so please keep reading :)


I am a part; merely something that is used to help others. Not in a nice way.

I was brought into this cruel, selfish world to replace the body parts for someone who is in need. I call this world cruel and selfish, because I am a person. I am not treated like one though.

People like me have specific names. Donors.

Us Donors where created and brought to life from ordinary people, that want to "help". Our birth givers aren't to be spoken of. I don't have any clue whatsoever as to who they are; neither does the rest of my kind.

We have our body parts taken away from us through surgery when a person who is sick, or in need of a part, needs a part. They don't hesitate to take that from us either.

I have currently had countless pints of blood stolen from my body, and I am in the possession of only one kidney; the left one had been taken away from me through surgery. I was not informed who I was donating to, or what reason the person needed it for. We never are, because we don't count as people.

We were born the same way as them, our lunges breathe in the same way as them, we eat in the same way as them, we sleep in the same way as them, we do everything except live in the same way as them, and unfortunately our body has the same parts as them.

I am lucky enough to have only come up with perfect matching results for minor conditions, if you count loosing a kidney as a minor condition. Many others have been through a lot more, some sadly no longer walk about the white halls of this building any longer; there is two less heels that click against the tile with every person that has had there heart removed for some other selfish person or other similar sir-com-stances.

With every person that goes, another comes about. Waiting to grow old enough to then begin to donate. It's just a circle.

We are all "stored" in a large building, I call it imprisoned though.

Many of the rooms within each of these pristine white walls, others donors and I have never even glanced at.

I have no clue as to where the building that we are concealed in is kept either. It must be close to the hospital though, or a prison because I can always hear the loud, depressing sirens echoing throughout my eardrums.

A lot to take in; you get used to it though, especially when it is all that you have ever known for the entirety of your life.

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