Blinded By Love

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You gave me a piece of heaven and dropped me to hell.
When we fall in love, we become blind to the person's flaws.
When we love them, whatever they do wrong isn't wrong in our eyes.
We'll always find a reason to their wrong doing and find excuses for them.
Even if they hurt you, leave you countless of times and don't treat you like how they used to, you'll still find an excuse for them like "maybe they're busy" or "maybe it's just a phase" but the truth is, they don't love you anymore.
Even though they treat you differently and don't care as much no matter how much you try to get over it, you still can't.
Because you're so in love and so blinded by love, we will never admit that they've changed.
They may keep giving you false hopes and make you think that maybe they still care about you, but the truth is, they don't.
And you just have to deal with it, that your heart has became numb to the hurt they give you.
And that love is just hopeless till you learn to give up and let go...

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