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Juls POV

Beep Beep Beep

I turn off my alarm. 5:00 AM again.

Today is my first day of freshmen year. My best friend/fake older bro, Grayson was coming to pick me up at 7. He and his twin are sophomores. His twin, Ethan, hates me with a burning passion. I however, don't hate Ethan whatsoever. I actually quite like him.

I got up and brushed my teeth then washed my face. I hopped in the shower using vanilla body scrub and green apple conditioner. I dried off afterwards and got dressed in a purple/pink ombre crop top and bright yellow shorts with my birkenstocks. Our school wasn't big on dress code since its still 103 degrees outside.

I did my skincare routine and put on clear gloss then brushed out my eyebrows and eyelashes. My hair is naturally really curly so I just leave it going crazy. I go downstairs and see Ethan sitting at the kitchen island and Grayson helping himself to cherrios.

"When did you guys get here?" I ask."Like 10 minutes ago." Grayson says with a mouthful of cherrios."And y'all didn't come get me?" I ask making caffeinated tea."Nah." He says again."Do you guys want tea?" I ask. Ethan just looks at me like i'm a disgusting mess and Grayson replies "No thanks."

It was now 7 AM and we all hopped in their G-wagon. Ethan sat in the back, Grayson drove, and I was in the passenger seat. Gray turned on  rich girl and of course I started singing it at the top of my lungs. Until I looked through the mirror and saw Ethan in the back rolling his eyes and looking annoyed.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

Why does he hate me so much...

Ethan's POV

I fucking hate this! Why does she like Grayson so much! Why can't she like me! What am I doing wrong?! We were best friends until she went in the 7th grade and decided Grayson is better then me! Its so fucking annoying. I just want to scream how much I like her but I know she likes Grayson. Thats why she avoids me... She has the voice of an angel... her eyes are brighter then the sea...

why doesn't she love me...

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