Ch.2-Happiness (Edited)

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(A picture of Joseph)

​I finally make it home from school and collapse on my couch from exhaustion. All my thoughts have been consumed by Joe for the past two months. Feeling a surge of confidence again, I take out my phone, scroll to his contact, and text him before I can change my mind. I take a deep breath because it's too late to take it back. Whatever happens, happens.

~Text Conversation~

K: Hi (8:01pm)
J: Hi beautiful (8:02pm)
I blush at his reply because he does remember me.
K: How are you? (8:04pm)
J: I am tired. How are you? (8:05pm)
K: I'm exhausted and my brain hurts (8:06pm)
J: Why does your brain hurt? (8:07pm)
K: Because I just got home from school and math was my last class (8:09pm)
J: Ouch math is the worst, but it can't be all bad though. I bet you're smart and math was a breeze for you (8:10pm)
My blush darkens as I read his reply.
K: Math sucks though (8:11pm)
J: I agree with that. So, do you want that date now or what? 😉 (8:12pm)
K: I do want that date. What did you have in mind? (8:13pm)
J: Whatever you want to do beautiful (8:15pm)
My cheeks heat up even more as I read his reply.
K: How about we do it tomorrow? We can have breakfast or whatever (8:18pm)
J: Sounds good to me. Do you mind if we spend time together as well? (8:19pm)
K: Sure. I have schoolwork to do, but if you want you can come over in the morning, we can make a day out of it (8:20pm)
J: Sounds like a plan. Can I have your address please? (8:21pm)
K: Of course, it is 371 North St. I am the blue house on the left (8:23pm)
J: Thank you beautiful. When would you like me to show up? (8:24pm)
K: You can show up around eleven am if you want (8:26pm)
J: I can do that beautiful 😃 I can't wait to see you (8:28pm)
K: Good. I look forward to your arrival. 😊 I am going to go to bed now because I am exhausted. Goodnight Joe and I'll see you tomorrow (8:30pm)
J: Goodnight beautiful (8:32pm)
~End of Conversation~

I take off my bra and change into my purple night shorts, black tank top, and socks after we say goodnight. I can't wait until tomorrow, I think to myself as I lay down in bed. I get comfortable under my blanket and fall into a peaceful Oblivion with a smile on my face and peaceful dreams of Joe.


I am walking home from my nightly walk, and I can't help but smile as I think about Kat. She is all I've been thinking about for two months now. A woman has not rendered me speechless in years, but she did it in five words. She's sassy and shy, I think to myself as I approach the security gate. I make it to the security gate and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I fish it out and see it's a text from an unknown number. My smile widens as I see a message from Kat. I know it's her because I don't give my number out. Now, only three people have my number, and I have already saved two of them.

 ~Skip Text Conversation~

After Kat and I finish texting, the excitement for tomorrow fills me. Walking through the compound gate, up the driveway, and through the front door, I wear a big smile. I am met by Kyle, my second-in-command and best friend, as I walk through the door. He looks at me like I've grown a second head. "How was your walk, big guy?" he asks with raised eyebrows, tilted head, and looking at me like I grew a second head. "It was good. How are you, man?" I reply with a laugh and a wide-ass smile. "Okay, I have to ask who you are and what have you done with my grumpy Joe?" he asks as he raises his eyebrow even higher. "I am Joe, you drama queen. Am I forbidden to smile now?" I ask as my smile grows wider. "It's weird man. I have not seen you smile like that in five years. What caused that huge ass smile?" Kyle asks as he raises his hands in mock surrender with a smile, and my smile widens even more than I remember Kat. "Well, that's a long story, but the condensed version is I met the most gorgeous woman two months ago and she helped me," I tell him vaguely after a couple of minutes of thinking. "And how did she help you exactly?" Kyle asks with curiosity laced in his voice. "She uh, dug a bullet out of my arm and sewed me up," I reply with a small smile. Kyle raises his eyebrow again and crosses his arms like he's waiting for further explanation. I shuffle my feet awkwardly, like I am a teenager who got caught sneaking out of the house. "Where's my sister and nephew?" I ask to try to change the subject. "Upstairs sleeping. I promised Sara I'd make sure you got home safely," he says with a soft smile as he takes the bait. "She always worries, doesn't she?" I say with a light laugh as I sigh in relief. "Always man. It is just in her nature. She's a mother hen type of person," he replies with a loving smile as he talks about my sister. "I'm safe Kyle. Go be with your family. I'm going to bed myself, man. I'm pretty sure I can make it upstairs unsupervised," I say with a smile as I nod. "Are you sure you don't need supervision, young man?" he asks in a mock stern voice. "I'm sure, Dad," I say with a laugh. "Alright man, sleep well and I want the story of you being shot tomorrow," he replies with a smirk. "I figured your nosy ass would," I say with a nod and a smirk of my own as I make my way upstairs to my room. I take off my pants and shirt as I close my door. I fall face-first into my bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep. To my delight, I have peaceful dreams of a gorgeous blond-haired woman named Kat. 

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