Ch.6-A Talk And Concern

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(Joe's kitchen above)

As I close the door to my bedroom, which holds the now sleeping beauty, I start to think of how Kat came into my messed up life. I walk into the kitchen with a smile on my face, and as I walk in Sara looks at me and before she could talk, Scotty looks up and asks, "Where the pwetty lady go?" with a pout. "She's taking a nap, buddy. She'll be awake in a couple of hours," I tell him with a smile. "Good, I wike her," Scotty says with a wide smile. "Me too buddy," I say as I smile as well. "Is she okay?" Sara asks as she looks at me. "Yeah, she's okay. She's just tired," I tell her as I look at her. "What's wrong, Joe? You look concerned." Sara asks with a concerned look on her face. "She's a type 2 diabetic, and she checks her sugar every four hours, so she was exhausted," I tell her with a look of concern on my face. "You're worried about her, aren't you?" she asks with a smirk, and I nod my head yes. "You really like her, don't you?" she asks with a smirk still on her face. "Yes I do," I say with a wide smile on my face. "Good, because I like her too. She seems like a nice lady, and she's pretty as well," Sara says with a wide smile. "Yeah, she is," I say as my smile widens. "I wouldn't worry so much about her because I feel she can manage her diabetes and everything else evenly," she says matter of factly. At that time, Kyle decides he wants to butt in and asks, "Are you going to tell us how you met her now?" "Might as well. I went for a walk two months ago, and the short version is that I got jumped by some of Danny's cronies, and one shot me. I sat down on a bench to catch my breath, and Kat walked in front of me and said, "I can help." I sat shocked as she dug the bullet out and patched me up. I gave her my number, and we had breakfast this morning. I also have plans to take her to dinner tonight," I say with a smile as I roll my eyes. They both smile at me and I smile back at them as Sara laughs. "About damn time, man. I've missed that goofy ass smile of yours," she tells me with a wide ass smile. "I know sis, I know" I say as I smile wide. "I love you dummy," Sara says with a smile as she comes and hugs me, and I hug her back. "I love you too Sara. I think I'm going to go take a nap too because you guys are exhausting," I say overly dramatically. As I start to walk away, I hear Kyle yell, "We aren't the ones that are exhausting dude!" I smile wide as I continue to walk upstairs to my room, and along the way I scoop up JoJo. I slowly open the door, and as I enter, I make sure I'm as quiet as possible. I see that Kat is still asleep on the bed, so I put JoJo at the foot. I then go over to the closet, grab a blanket, and go to the couch in the corner, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

An hour and a half later
I roll over in bed and open my eyes, only to realize I wasn't in my bed or even in my room. I shoot upright in the bed in a panic. JoJo starts to lick my face, and I calm down as I remember where I am. I sit in the middle of the bed with JoJo on my lap and look around. As I look around, I see Joe asleep in the corner on a couch that looks too small for his large frame, and I smile. I really like him I think to myself as I place JoJo beside me and start to move myself to the edge of the bed. Once at the edge, I watch Joe sleep for about ten minutes until I hear Joe say, "Take a picture; it'll last longer," in his gruff, sleepy voice. "I think I will," I say with some sass as I blush as I pull my phone out. "Let me at least look pretty, jeez," he says with a wide smile as he stretches and starts to sit up and I laugh at him. "Thank you Joe," I say with a smile as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and try to stand, but as I do, I get dizzy and start to fall back down. As I fall, I expect to feel the floor, but before I can I blurrily see Joe rush over and catch me. "Are you okay, beautiful?" he asks with concern in his eyes as he looks down at me. "Yeah, I'm okay. I guess my sugar nosedived while I was napping. Can you hand me my black pouch, please?" I ask as I give him a weak smile. I see Joe nod as he gently lays me back on the bed against the pillows, grabs my pouch, and hands it to me gently. I take the pouch with a smile and check my sugar. I see it's at 45, so I take out my insulin needle, uncap it, put it to the bottom of my stomach, and push the syringe plunger down as Joe watches me with an intense look on his face. I put the cap back on the syringe and lay back down for a minute with my eyes closed as I felt my levels even out. After a moment of silence, I open my eyes and look at Joe with a gentle smile. "Thank you and sorry, my sugar usually doesn't plummet like that while I'm asleep" I tell him. "Are you okay now, though?" Joe asks as he looks at me with concern in his eyes as he takes my hands in his. "Yeah, I'm okay now, Joe. I promise," I say with a genuine smile as I give his hands a reassuring squeeze. Joe gives me a smile and nods. After a minute of comfortable silence, I look up at Joe, squeeze his hand with a smile, and say, "I know I told you I'd tell you my answer later, but after the concern I've seen in your eyes and the tender care and gentleness you've shown me all day today, I'd like to tell you that my answer is yes I'd like to be your girlfriend and be a part of your life." "I'd like that very much, Kat," Joe says as he smiles wide. "It's also a plus that you treat JoJo well too" I say with a smile as I lean up and hug him. Joe laughs at my statement and holds me tighter. I pull away from the hug and kiss Joe on the cheek. As I look into Joe's eyes after the kiss, I see his smile widen as I feel my face heat up in a blush. Joe's smile grows wider, if that was possible, as he sees my rosy cheeks. "Would you like to go back downstairs? I know a certain little boy who would love to see your face again" he says with a smile. "Yes, I would," I reply with a wide smile of my own. "He'd also like to see JoJo as well," Joe tells me with a smile. "Of course," I say with a laugh. He gets up from the bed with a chuckle as he turns back towards me and puts his hand out for me to take. "Let's go, then, pretty lady. The little brat misses you" he says as I take his hand with a wide smile. "I miss that little guy too so let's go," I say. He smiles and nods as we lace our hands together, walk out the door, and down the stairs with JoJo behind us.

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