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-Two months Later-

-John's POV-

It has been a couple month since all of that crap with Henry went down. Alex and I are walking down the hall on our ways to our classes when I get a text.

Unknown: Hey there Jackie.

TurtleBoi: Who is this???

Unknown: If you wanna find out, go to the back of the school after dismissal. Bring your friends too. It'll be more fun that way.

TurtleBoi: And what if we don't go?

Unknown: My finger might slip on a tweet that would publicize some.... secrets..

TurtleBoi: Ok, ok, we'll be there... Could you at least give me a hint about who you are?

Unknown: Hm.... I guess I could... My name starts with J. (Do you think you know who it is? I highly doubt you do. comment your guess. plz don't cheat. I won't get mad if you do tho)

"John? Who are you texting?" Alex says with a bit of concern laced in his voice. I think for a moment before I tell him what the mystery person said.

"Hm... I think its Jefferson. He's always trying to find a way to ruin stuff." Alex says, quite sure that he's right.

"Possibly, but why text me and not you?" I comment, "If Jefferson was gonna text someone, he would text someone who he knew would be stubborn enough to show up."

We hear the bell ring and hurry to our classes, saying quick goodbyes.

-time skip to end of school-

Alex and I had decided to text everyone to meet up with us at the front of the school. We walk out the doors and see Laf, Herc, The Schuylers,Maria, Grace, and Carie.

"So.... why are we going to meet this 'mystery man'?" Grace says, obviously paranoid about this whole situation.

"If we don't, He'll apparently post a tweet that contains some kind of secret... I honestly don't know why you guys have to come too.... I guess we should go find out." I say before beginning to walk towards the back of the school.

As we get there, we see two figures standing there. as we get a bit closer to them, we see that it is none other than Jefferson and Madison.

"I knew it!! What the hell Jefferson!? If you're gonna threaten anyone, threaten me!" Alex shouts probably loud enough for the rest of the school to hear.

"Chill there Hamilton, I didn't threaten any of your group. I actually got threatened too." Jefferson says, sounding pretty sincere.

"Well if it wasn't you, who was it?...." I say as another person steps out from the shadows. 

"Hey there. I believe I may know that answer." The man says. 

"Who the hell are you and why did you think it was a good idea to threaten my Johnny??" Alex says, starting forward to hit the guy but I stop him before he gets over. 

"Woah woah one question at a time kiddo. My name is Jason Dean, but just call me J.D. (I just got into heathers don't judge me) Now, I didn't plan who I was texting. I just chose a contact and texted it.

"Okay lets get to the point. Why are we here?" Thomas asks. J.D. laughs.

"Thomas is asking the real questions now. You can't be true friends when you're keeping secrets from each other. and with my.... inside contacts, I can clear everything up for you guys." J.D. says with a smirk.

I look around at my friend's faces. Laf looks a bit nervous, Herc seems fine, Alex has grabbed my hand in a death grip, the Schuylers don't seem worried, Maria looks as if she's hiding behind Peggy,(I decided to bring Meggy in here so yeah) Jefferson, oddly enough, seems like he would run away at any moment if James would let go of his hand, Grace takes a few steps backward but Carie grabs her arm and whispers something to her. 

"Alright, lets get started. Maria Reynolds... was the stripper life not treating you well? or did you finally decide to actually do something with your life?" with every word Jason says, Maria shrinks farther behind her girlfriend. "Marquis de Lafayette, I have come to believe you have been in contact with a young woman named Adrienne. Should I elaborate?" Laf has a mortified look on his face as he walks away from Herc while avoiding his eyes. "Ill let you two... discuss this" 

"H-Herc.. I can explain-" Laf says before getting cut off by Hercules.

"We'll talk later Lafayette." Herc replies. That comment alone caused Laf to crumble to the ground in tears.

"ooookkaaayyy lets continue. Thomas Jefferson its your turn.  How much do you think you earned selling all those drugs? must have been a lot knowing all these kids."

"Thats it. I'm leaving. This is all we were here for. C'mon James." Thomas says while walking away, practically dragging James with him.

"And last but definitely not least, Grace Clements. or should I say Grayson?" J.D. says. I turn as I hear a gasp from Carie. Grace has a look of terror on her face, but after Carie saw this, she jumps to hug her. she starts whispering positive things in an attempt to calm her girlfriend down. 

"Welp, thats all I have. I'll see you around!" And just like that, he disappears.

We stand there for a second, thinking through all of the crazy things that had happened in one day. Eventually, we all walk to our dorms, not a word spoken between us.

Yayyyyy feels!!! I hope you guys liked that super long chapter to make up for the lack of updates! I'm actually proud of myself for writing this much in just two days. I'm currently writing this on a MacBook I got from my school which is super cool. I'm super surprised I haven't broke this thin a** computer. I'll see you guys later!! Byeeeeee!!!!

Word count: 987

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